Reviews for Light My Fire
RoseEmbers99 chapter 5 . 3/16/2018
Awww, that was a perfect way to end the story! They are defienitely going to have an interesting and happy marriage. They may face problems in their marriage, but I'm sure they will overcome them with each other's help and support.

I wanted to thank you for writing such an amazing brickoli story Svinorita. The way you wrote the details and depicted their relationship was absolutely amazing and Well written. I enjoyed every bits of it and will defienitely read it again. :)

I wish you luck with your other stories and as always, keep up the awesome work my friend. :)
Orangebird124 chapter 5 . 3/9/2018
Well, as it turns out, all good things must come to an end! Thank you for mentioning me in the author's note! I highly appreciate that! A surprise for Disgust at the end? Wow, I can't wait to see what the surprise is, so I'm gonna review this final chapter right now!

I'm so glad that Anger's shoulder is now healed a week later, thanks to nurse Disgust. :) I liked how Disgust was giving Anger a shoulder massage everyday and I'm glad that Fear set that new mirror up for her. Now all of her problems have been solved! Come on, Anger! Try that new jacket and shirt Disgust bought for you last week! You'll love it! Do it for your girl! I understand that he doesn't want to get it dirty and prefers to save it on special occasions, but still. Ooh, a special ice dance on Hockey Island? Disgust is definitely gonna want to go there with him! That took some convincing, alright, and I guess Joy wants to come along too! I liked it when Disgust scooped Anger up into a hug and kissed his face and it's a good thing Fear and Sadness will take charge of Riley while they're gone. I liked how Disgust and Anger looked all dressed in their formal outfits and I could just picture these two dressed up already! That was really nice of Fear to offer Sadness some tea during Dream Duty! Oooh, Disgust kissed Anger again! Now that's what I call romance! I liked how they held hands while skating on the ice rink and Anger engaging to Disgust? That's definitely a big surprise for Disgust and I'm glad that she happily accepted the engagement to him! This is what I call a happy ending!

I'm so happy this Brickoli story turned out to be a big success and I'll bet that RoseEmbers99 enjoyed this story a lot! Keep up the good work with your other stories and I'll always be right there to support you, my friend!
Tripledent chapter 5 . 3/8/2018
Trust Joy to work the crowd (and the other Emotions) like that. Who doesn't love a happily ever after ending? Maybe this night is the start of something for Fear and Sadness as well.

I'm very happy to find out I make you feel good about your work, your commitment to Inside Out (and the requests of fellow fans) is an inspiration.
Tripledent chapter 4 . 3/2/2018
I thought to myself that Disgust would cause pain to Anger when she threw her arms around him, good thing Anger had had some pain killers. Yikes, Disgust got annoyed with Anger just because the nurse who attended to him was young and attractive? What control did he have over that? Disgust needs to work on possessiveness and jealousy issues I think. But Anger still seems very happy for now. Maybe they should think about bringing in people from Riley's Mind World to do renovations and additions in Headquarters now on.
LilacPetals21 chapter 4 . 3/2/2018
It is nice to see Anger and Disgust patching things up after that terrible fight they had. I think Disgust is doing the right thing by giving Anger some space. It shows that she regrets using his kindness and wants to make it up to him.

My favorite part has to be the one when Disgust became jealous when she heard about Anger's nurse. Someone's being overprotective!

I look forward to seeing what happens next. :)
Orangebird124 chapter 4 . 3/1/2018
Wow, it's nice to see Disgust wake up in a happy mood instead of being cranky this morning! At least she decided to let the act with Anger from yesterday go and head on over to Fashion Island to buy some new outfits so she could impress her new lover. After Disgust left, Anger was planning on giving her a new mirror as a surprise! He is so caring! I thought it would be nice if he let the Emotions help him put the shelf up, but then he ended up hurting himself! Oh-no, first Disgust and now Anger! I liked how Sadness was concerned about Anger when his head was bleeding. This is what happens when you try to do some dangerous things on your own, you end up getting hurt! While Fear went to the Mind World Clinic, Disgust came back and Sadness told her that Anger got hurt and I liked how concerned and caring she was. At least Anger is all better now, thanks to the strong painkillers that helped him. Before he could even tell her what was going on, I did not expect Disgust to kiss Anger on the lips! But that's fine with me, because it's romantic! Now I think Sadness needs a new pair of glasses since they're not good anymore. Anyway, now that Anger got hurt, it's definitely time for Disgust to return him the favor!

I'll bet you that Disgust is gonna make an excellent nurse and thanks for always giving me a shoutout! I'll be waiting right here for the final chapter!
LilacPetals21 chapter 3 . 2/27/2018
This was such a nice addition to the story! It was a bit heart breaking to see them insult each other like that, but that had to happen sooner or later. On the bright side, i'm glad they made up in the end. No matter how much they fight, deep down they deeply love and care for each other.

Wonderful job as always my friend! :)
Tripledent chapter 3 . 2/23/2018
I'm pretty amazed at how Disgust and Anger can switch gears so easily. With their personalities, that would actually be a trait they'd need to have in order for this relationship to last. That first argument was brought on by a classic lack of communication, I don't know how those two would learn to be more communicative, maybe in little steps... I felt good for Fear, although it's a pity that when Disgust and Anger are fighting his anxiety will increase.
Orangebird124 chapter 3 . 2/22/2018
Hey, look at that! Another chapter has been posted and now it's time for me to review it! Fear changed because of what's been going on with Anger and Disgust and I'm glad that Disgust's toe healed! Now everything can go back to normal! Uh-oh! Anger shouted at Disgust by telling her to do things on her own now and then they started an argument with each other! Fear, Sadness and Joy shouted at them to stop insulting each other and I felt bad for Sadness when she broke down in tears, but I liked how Disgust hugged her by saying that she didn't mean to be nasty and sarcastic. I liked how Anger and Disgust apologized to each other and took back with what they said. Oh-no, I thought they were arguing with each other again in the end, but it turns out that they were laughing over about fighting over nothing and they settled to an arm wrestling match! It is on like Donkey Kong!

I'm glad that there won't be any more serious fighting in the future chapters and you're doing a wonderful job with this Brickoli story and I know that RoseEmbers99 is loving it already! Keep it up and don't let anyone stop you from writing!
Tripledent chapter 2 . 2/20/2018
Anger and Disgust being a bit inconsiderate of others while being wrapped up in their own feelings for each other is what I would expect. There's a bit of foreshadowing about Mind War Three, I hope their relationship doesn't become detrimental to Riley, maybe remorse over that could bring him and her back together. Poor Fear, what a workplace...
LilacPetals21 chapter 2 . 2/18/2018
Seems like Anger and Disgust's relationship is escalating quickly! I think it is a great time for our lovebirds to start dating! I wonder what places would they choose for their dates...

Keep going Svinorita, you're doing great! :)
Orangebird124 chapter 2 . 2/16/2018
Hey, it's alright! I understand how busy you are with "Pieces of an Emotional Puzzle" and everyone was still waiting for you to see what'll happen next after Disgust got hurt. Hey, thanks for the shoutout you gave me! I still appreciate it! Now that the second chapter is up, it's time for me to review it!

I can tell that the romance with Disgust and Anger is about to take the step to the next level! When Sadness left, I'm glad that Disgust was feeling better and I liked how Anger went to go get lemonade for her even though he accidentally split the lemonade all over the counter while daydreaming about Disgust! Okay, to tell you the truth, that scene made me laugh! Pay attention next time, Anger! Good thing he calmed down quickly before he erupted! Disgust was surprised to see Anger offer her Fear's fruit salad with the lemonade and I'm pretty sure that Fear wouldn't mind her eating his fruit salad and he could always make another one. I can't believe that those two lovebirds flirted with each other throughout the whole day since they're usually so stubborn with each other! Even the other Emotions noticed about this and if they got into a fight with each other, then here comes Mind War 3! Let's hope that the fight doesn't happen! That was fun when Disgust and Anger were arm wrestling with each other and I guess Disgust is strong too, just like Anger! And that was adorable and when they were brushing their noses against each other! Joy was so eager to get her accordion out to play some music and they don't have to worry about being embarrassed and I'm so happy that the Emotions are happy for the lovebirds instead of making fun of them! Fantastic job, my friend!
Tripledent chapter 1 . 2/9/2018
I can understand Anger (and the other Emotions for that matter) being surprised that Disgust would try to do something like that herself. That was nice of Anger to do it for her, maybe the mirror now covers the crack in the wall. Seeing Joy with her dress on backwards and hair out of place would be hilarious! Fear is probably a honey master, he could go on a quiz show about it I bet. I'm interested to see how Joy and the others cope with this ongoing brickoli, Fear and Joy need to figure out something other than coughing and leaving each time, the other Emotions might think they need medical attention eventually.
LilacPetals21 chapter 1 . 2/8/2018
I nearly screamed when i checked my email and saw this story! You have no idea how excited I become whenever i see a new Brickoli story in this fandom! Thank you so much for writing this story for me Svinorita. And don't you worry about the long wait, it totally worth it. :)

Seeing how quickly Anger answered her call when Disgust was in distress really warmed my hert. There is definitely something between these two. Something that will eventually blossom into a beautiful relationship.

I can't wait to read more about Anger and Disgust's romance in the story. The way you write their relationship is absolutely beautiful and heartwarming. :)
Orangebird124 chapter 1 . 2/7/2018
Oh, yes! This is the multi-chapter Brickoli story you were writing for RoseEmbers99! I know how much she's been waiting for this story to come out and look, it's here! Time to review this first chapter!

Well, this started when Disgust injured her toe while trying to hang up her new mirror in her room and everyone, including Anger was concerned about her! Disgust told everyone about why she needed a new mirror for her room and I can tell that Anger was sensitive around her. Fear is right, you shouldn't break a mirror because it can lead to seven years of bad luck. I guess the next time Disgust is struggling with something, she should ask someone for help, especially Anger. That was nice of Joy to ask Fear if she could borrow some of his honey since her throat was irritating her! I can really see something going on between Disgust and Anger and I believe that the romance is just getting started! When Sadness was alone, I'm guessing this means that Riley is gonna have the blues today, unless something positive happens! Only time will tell in the next chapter and once again, RoseEmbers99 is going to love this story! Thank you for writing this for her, Svinorita! :)