Reviews for Infirmary Talks
Buckeye01 chapter 102 . 7/1
Hmm, it appears that their plan wasn't overly well-planned at all. :-)
pallysAramisRios chapter 102 . 6/29
hahahah aI'm dying! I;m laughing with tears running down my cheeks!
Mountain Cat chapter 102 . 6/29
Okay. I'm confused, now.
Scooterwoo chapter 102 . 6/29
Wonderful. Thankyou.
Guest chapter 102 . 6/29
I really love your humorous ones. Thank you!
Helensg chapter 102 . 6/29
Ahh common sense,always the friend of hindsight.
Well I suppose that their silent communication can’t always work and there wasn’t too much harm done.
beeblegirl chapter 102 . 6/29
That was funny, it’s a shame Treville hadn’t stayed to hear that ‘conversation’ between Athos and Aramis as I’m sure his grey hairs would have multiplied! Please don’t ever stop posting these stories.
Luthien17 chapter 102 . 6/29
Another lovely, beautiful addition to your amazing collection. Loved the banter between Aramis and Athos about non-verbal signals. Poor Athos. Loved this one, thank you so much!
Buckeye01 chapter 101 . 6/28
It was so nice to see Aramis, at least, INSIDE the room WITH Athos while he's sick rather than all of them waiting outside like expectant fathers in the old days. So thank you for this version!
GoGirl212 chapter 92 . 6/25
I've been re-reading this series, found a few, like this one, I'd missed along the way. Just wanted to say how much I love each of these little gems! This collection is among my favorites and I come back for inspiration and entertainment all the time. Glad you keep adding more!
Uia chapter 101 . 6/23
Always happy to see you update your fic

Ch. 100 was hilarious
Mountain Cat chapter 101 . 6/23
I wondered at the time why the others were morosely sitting around the campfire and leaving a stranger to care for Athos. But then I guess they did have the harder task - knowing there was nothing they could do but wait.
pallysAramisRios chapter 101 . 6/23
Wow! such torment for all of them
Helensg chapter 101 . 6/23
Absolutely superb...such angst & a whole variety of emotion.

I’d never even given thought to the fact that if Athos had died there then Sylvia would have blamed herself.
beeblegirl chapter 101 . 6/23
I love stories that expand on an episode, and this episode certainly had a few holes in it in my humble opinion. For example how come nobody (Aramis) checked out Athos’ injury when he was so clearly in pain and had limited use of his arm, it would have only taken a minute. Then how come Aramis didn’t have his med kit with him on that journey to the village, and why did he relinquish his care of Athos to Elodie. Very uncharacteristic. So, your story let’s us see what the tv doesn’t, you’ve shown us what’s going through Aramis’ mind and he himself is asking the same questions!
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