Reviews for Yesterday is Tomorrow (Everything is Connected)
Guest chapter 16 . 7/27
Can you please please upsta e
Guest chapter 16 . 7/25
Thank you!
Pauba chapter 16 . 7/24
I'm so obsessed with your story! Really love Hermione and I 'm so happy that she is aprecied how amazing she is like she always deserves.
LifeAfterAll chapter 16 . 7/24
I really love your writing. I have been following this story since I first found it! I love the plot, the originality of the characters, and the beautiful way you have expanded magic within this universe. I hope you update soon because I adore this story! Thanks for sharing this amazing writing!
Zillawisp chapter 16 . 7/24
I adore everything about this story. Somehow I tragically missed the last few updates, but it did mean I got to read 3 new chapters at once which was awesome!
Yumemiko chapter 16 . 7/22
Good story and writing ! It's Well done I love it ! Please post the next chapter as soon as you can

Take care
XWingedWolfX chapter 16 . 7/21
oooooooooh this'll be fun
Maysa135 chapter 16 . 7/21
Interesting! Serious things begin
Tea or coffee chapter 16 . 7/19
Wow! Interesting turn of events.
Elle Ryder chapter 16 . 7/21
Wild her own little DA!
I kinda want to see Hermione and Lily becoming closer but at the same time idk
Looking forward to the next ch!
yarnell15 chapter 16 . 7/20
I freaking love this story! 3
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18
Oh, Hermione slipped up with “Gr” on her first day at school! I would suspect Hermione being related to the Grimmson family (or a similar “Gr” dark magical family) at first. Maybe Hermione’s father was a squib, placed in the muggle world when he did not go to Hogwarts, and the rest of the pureblood family did not want the “weak bloodline” news to be exposed? However, a friendly relative saw magic blooming in the squib’s children and decided to teach Hermione, explaining her dark arts knowledge and "pretending" to be muggleborn? Rowling planned for the Weasleys having a relative that was a squib accountant but for him to have a witch daughter (Mafalda) that was in Slytherin, so something along those lines? So…Hermione would be almost a muggleborn but close enough to her wizarding relatives to know what she did about dark arts/magic?

I think most pureblood Slytherins would argue that she is slightly better than a normal muggleborn now, but not by that much. If the Blacks had a squib child they tried to hide away in the muggle world but that squib child had magical children going by the Black name….Lol. I do think the Blacks would assassinate the squib descended Blacks if they knew about them. Maybe someone like Andromeda Black or Alphard Black would teach the Squib descended Blacks of their magical heritage, but they would be wise enough to tell them to change their name and not let the main Blacks catch wind of their existence? The Blacks did have Marius Black (a Squib) on the family tree….maybe the almost muggleborns with a Black last name didn’t happen for them, but I’m sure they thought about the possibility and how they would handle it. So…it would be a major secret for Hermione and she wouldn’t technically be lying if she said she was muggleborn to everyone. Squib father and muggle mother would certainly be called muggleborn by most purebloods, I think, even if some might call her a half-blood being very generous.
so perfect it hurts chapter 16 . 7/18
Lovng the update to this story! Lovely to see Hermione getting acknowledgement for her brilliance and some mending of relationships that didn't occur in the original timeline. I'm also loving her looming romantic relationship.
Thanks for writing.
Monnbeam chapter 16 . 7/18
Loved the chapter, just love reading this brilliant story thank you for sharing
Marycielo Felton chapter 16 . 7/18
Cada vez que leo un capítulo nuevo me impresiona la manera en que los personajes de esta historia están cambiando, me alegra que el de muchos para bien, incluso empiezo a creer que Peter aún tiene esperanza y eso ya es mucho optimismo, jajaja, pero en serio, no dejas de sorprenderme y dejarme picada en cada uno, igual que Sherezade, Thanks por no abandonar la historia, saludos.
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