Reviews for The Chaos In Stars
QuartzGolem chapter 1 . 8/29
Was making her experiment name sound like asinine intentional?
MarvelDweeb chapter 39 . 8/10
I sure af hope he lives ahhdhs
cyrbrii chapter 124 . 8/8
Whenever I get writer’s block, I look at writing prompts, if it helps. Hope you are doing well.
xLaBellaVita chapter 121 . 8/8
OMG I'm glad you are still here! My heart dropped reading your A/N about how you pulled part 6, but was happy to keep reading that you are just rewriting! This is my favorite Steve/OC ever and one of my fave Avenegers stories in general. Thank you for still being here and I'm sure however you continue this will be amazing!

Also, just wanted to let you know that I tried writing this review/response for pages #122-#124, but it said it's unable to post because I already posted a review from your previous pulled chapters! Just wanted to let you know incase your not getting enough responses/reviews right now!
Pitspee chapter 124 . 7/15
Hey, long time!

I actually love the idea of transitioning in to Gran’s storyline then transitioning out to present. Kind of like that scene in Game of Thrones where baby Jon Snow morphed into adult Jon Snow. Though, in Gran’s storyline, how about it being done in Steve’s point of view? idk, you pick.
SarangehaeYo15 chapter 123 . 7/14
Anything with your writing would be pleasing to read. It would be an interesting take to see things from Grans perspective.
deltagrey chapter 123 . 6/1
Wonderful story! please get part 6 out soon! I'm dying to read it!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/15
its only chapter 1 but i love Nikita Gill! This is a good sign!
Gina chapter 24 . 5/5
This was the most emotional chapter in your story! You are an amazing writer! Keep it up!
redruby8 chapter 58 . 4/26
She really must be weak to go back to being Evil over a bomb threat.. I just don't see it now if Rebecca put a kind of chipping her i could marginally believe that more.
WherewasLokiinEndgame chapter 123 . 4/20
Take your time :) I will always be a fan of your work! No matter how much time you need..
Guest chapter 123 . 4/8
3 excited to keep reading this wonderful story!
Blonde2themax chapter 123 . 4/3

Just wanted to say I appreciate you and your skills. Your imagination and determination has brought me joy and sorrow. Hang in there and keep finding yourself.

Thanks again
SnowPaws101Reverie chapter 123 . 4/1
I understand, although I don’t believe I have it as horrible as you, I’ve been through some pretty bad stuff. I sometimes put out personal things I don’t mean to. Especially when I’m in distressed and blocking myself out and being stuck in my own miserable little world and stuff. I don’t even know what the last sentence I just wrote was suppose to mean.

I’ve also had instances where I just want to start over. Sometimes, I end up changing the story so much that it doesn’t have seem like the same story anymore. Yet, I’m more proud and happy with it than before.

Since I’ve been quarantined, I’ve been getting floods of homework from my teachers and having online classes randomly throughout the day, so I apologize in advance if I miss an update. However, I’ll do what I can to keep myself updated on your stories. In fact, I was planning to reread some parts before I saw this.

I don’t know if I can be any help to you at all. But, I want you to know that I’m willing to listen, just like you did for me over a year ago. (October 2018, I believe. If something’s important to me, I can somehow remember when it occurred. It’s strange, I know). I get it if you don’t want to though, I’ve had times like that.

Actually, I wonder all the time who I am. If I’ve really changed from who I was when I was younger, or if I was simply faking it to fit in. In my situation, it’s like there can’t be an imposter because there no one there in the first place. Because, honestly, I don’t really seem to have a reason for living. Nothing motivates me much, I don’t really have something I’m super passionate about. And even if I have hobbies that I want to work on more and dreams and goals, I’m not brave enough to pursue them. I feel like I have a lot more pressure on my shoulders than there probably is. I do that to myself. I believe I have Imposter Syndrome. And now I just realized that I probably just went in to deep while trying to comfort you and just blurted out all my awful experiences that you don’t want to hear right now.

Anyways, I suppose the point I’m trying to make is although I might not ever be of any use to you or be able to help you in anyway, I just want you to know I’m here. And I’m willing to support you. That I wish for whatever problems you have will resolve, that you’ll figure out who you are, and you’ll be happy.
Assbitch67 chapter 123 . 3/30
I believe in you, Rae! 3

Glad you're back, cant wait to see what my British Twin has in store for my poor heart ripped to pieces many times by Stevia. Eek, I'm so excitedddddd. Love ya bunches! Take your time.
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