Reviews for Valentine's Day Auction
Justouthereintheuniverse chapter 1 . 2/18/2018
Thank you for doing these holiday one shots. I love Your idea of Farkle having a charity auction and Riley and Maya volunteering dates. I love Rilaya secretly hoping for Josh and Lucas to bid on them. Great story.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/18/2018
So cute.
Jess ll chapter 1 . 2/18/2018
I love Josh getting jealous and I was so surprised he actually went to talk to the guy he thought was going to bid on Maya at the auction. Finding out the guy was gay and almost getting his adorable ass kicked by the guys boyfriend was so cute. I love the Joshaya's rooftop date, their talk was funny and the boyfriend and girlfriend part was so cute.
Lucas too almost got beat Riley,lol. Lucas telling Riley the things he wanted was sweet and I loved him telling her he bruises easy. Thanks for doing a Valentine story, loved it.
Melissa Q chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
I'm so happy to see a Valentine story. This was so good, I love the auction idea and how neither of the girls knew who bid on them. Those dates were perfect and I love Maya asking for dinner in the middle of a romantic moment with Josh,lol. Lucky he remembered the tacos.
MorganReadsAlot chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
Love, Love, Love. Farkle's auction got the guys to finally admit they didn't want other guys to date Riley and Maya. A little Jealousy is very powerful. Loved the secret dates. Great one shot!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
Loved this.
MilesAndMilesToGo chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
Josh and Lucas not letting the girls know they were going to bid on them at the suction and then setting up the secret dates was very sneaky. I love how surprised and happy Rilaya were when they saw that Lucas and Josh were their dates. Cute story.
Alexa 0016 chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
Thank you for this beautiful Valentine story. I was hoping Josh would bid on Maya and him getting jealous made me happy. Maya's plan worked, she just didn't know it unil Josh confessed about going to talk to the guy that Maya waved to. Their rooftop date with tacos and Josh showing her the pictures Farkle took was so sweet especially the part where Josh teased Maya before agreeing to "boyfriend and girlfriend".
Riley made me laugh with her punch to Lucas's stomach when he surprised her at the park. Aww, he was adorable when he was circling her and telling her 3 things he wanted. Loved it.
justanothergirlintheuniverse chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
I was hoping for a Valentine story and I should have known you would come through. You're wonderful and all things amazing :)
The date auction fit in so well with Valentines day. The Joshaya scene with Josh telling Maya how he was jealous and Farkle taking pictures of it made my shipper senses tingle. That was cute!
Lucas was just as cute getting punched by Riley when he surprised her and I love him telling her he wanted them to be official and that he bruises easily. Perfect story for Valenties, Thanks for writing it.
Megan456 chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
It was so cute to see Josh get jealous and I love that he actually went over to talk to the guy and found out Maya made it up to try and get him to bid on her. I loved both the Joshaya and Rucas dates and how you gave both couples a cute moment. Joshaya with their boyfriend and girlfriend thing brought back my feels from ski lodge. Lucas was adorable with the 3 things he wanted to get clear with Riley. Really Cute Valentine story.
AutumnLeaves7531 chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
I've been so busy with school this week I haven't had time to read and then I came in this morning and found you have not one but two new stories. I had to read this one first cause Valentines day is Josh's birthday so had to, right.
I loved the Valentine auction and the line "you make us sound like hookers or animals headed to the slaughter." made me laugh, so true. This was adorable for both couples and I loved their dates. Great job.
KeepAllMyPromises chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
Maya's plan worked after all. I love picturing Josh jealous and confronting the guy only to find out he wasn't going to bid on Maya and he had a boyfriend,lol. Loved it.
Ash543 chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
A charity auction on Valentine's Day, great idea. I love that it was secret bids and Rilaya didn't know who won their dates until the actual date time. Josh was sweet, I love he met Maya on the rooftop of the art building. I thought it was cute he told Maya the story of him being jealous and what happened. He even had pictures to go with it thanks to Farkle.
Lucas telling Riley he needed to make 3 things clear made me smile but I think Riley's going to have a hard time with number 2. She does like to punch him ;)
This was a romantic funny valentine story, loved it.
IThinkICan016 chapter 1 . 2/16/2018
Josh almost getting his butt kicked because he was jealous was Adorable. I love Farkle taking pictures,lol. What Lucas whispered after he kissed Riley was so sweet. Cute story.
Jen's space chapter 1 . 2/16/2018
When do you sleep,lol. You're AMAZING! I'm already in mad love with A tale of Two Girls ATM and then I came in and found this valentine gift from you. "Boyfriend and Girlfriend"...Finally and thank you for bringing back the line from ski lodge. Two I would love if you didn't punch me so hard I bruise easily." Awww, Lucas is cute. Instantly Faved.
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