Reviews for The Journey
Glowery chapter 9 . 6/10
I hope everything turned okay with Thomas, but I don't trust his new driver William.
dtchapman94 chapter 9 . 6/8
You know its funny. When I logged on to this site this evening, I thought I'd just have a look. I even joked to myself saying "Oh I'll see is 'The Journey' has been updated." How wrong was I. It has been a nice read this chapter and I do look forward to part 2 of it. I'm also very glad you left out Beresford and the experimental engine (for now possibly).
Farry chapter 9 . 6/5
Hope everything will be okay with Thomas.
Guest chapter 9 . 6/5
Please update
Stormy chapter 9 . 6/5
That's good not bad. But its different than a movie Journey Beyond Sodor. I hope Thomas will be all right I just want him to be happy again.
DannyPhantomPhandom chapter 8 . 5/1
I told my friend about this fic. She was just as sad as I was, and we cried together.
Guest chapter 8 . 2/18/2019
Hi Pixel,
I love what you have done with the characters here and the interactions are fantastic please continue with your amazing work! I hope that you are still writing
Leslie solis chapter 8 . 1/24/2019
I always like that story and do wish you could make movie about it.
Guest chapter 8 . 9/26/2018
Once again I have to say you really have nailed down Thomas appears to be going through. I can honestly say that during the last half of the story I could just not put down. I do like the fact that he does try to convince himself to get through this, but with someone like Don it would push anyone over the edge. Whilst i should probably feel the most concern for the fat controller, I find myself more worried for Percy. The way you have described him makes him look like he himself maybe dead on the inside.

I just hope that Don does get what is coming to him. Personally, I don't feel like he does deserve a true backstory. His attitude is more then enough to cement what a horrible person he is. I dare say you have wondered what sort of people wouldn't know how to speak to engines, and I think you have summed it up here.

P.S. The guest was me I swear
Guest chapter 8 . 9/26/2018
Once again I have to say you really have nailed down Thomas appears to be going through. I can honestly say that during the last half of the story I could just not put down. I do like the fact that he does try to convince himself to get through this, but with someone like Don it would push anyone over the edge. Whilst i should probably feel the most concern for the fat controller, I find myself more worried for Percy. The way you have described him makes him look like he himself maybe dead on the inside.

I just hope that Don does get what is coming to him. Personally, I don't feel like he does deserve a true backstory. His attitude is more then enough to cement what a horrible person he is. I dare say you have wondered what sort of people wouldn't know how to speak to engines, and I think you have summed it up here.
Bloopydoo chapter 8 . 9/24/2018
Oh damn.
Oh no. Oh nooo.
Percy has the reaction I had while reading this. What just happened?
Also, Don's history sounds suspicious. "Good with engines" is the biggest, fattest lie I've ever heard.
Poor Thomas.

(Keep it up :) It's amazing)
Guest chapter 8 . 9/24/2018
Please update
JamesTRE chapter 7 . 8/9/2018
This is very deep. The way you tell the story is remarkable, and I'm glad you're going to continue because this is the best story I've ever read so far. There was almost no words of how I could tell you how good this is. Keep up the good work!
dtchapman94 chapter 7 . 8/6/2018
I have to say this chapter has been worth the wait. That whole confrontation between Thomas and Rosie was just spectacular to read. I really do hope you keep her as a prime character in this. With Thomas snapping at everyone, it’s great to see someone snapping back at him. It just feels genuine.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/5/2018
That was so sad, I feel bad for Thomas. He shouldn't taken on his friends and now things are gotten worse.
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