Reviews for A Reason to Love
thedoggydog2 chapter 4 . 7/23/2018
Lovely little drabbles, makes me smile to read them.
P.O.J.A chapter 4 . 7/15/2018
Long time no read! It's been wonderful to hear your creative thoughts penned down, especially for this particular anime and pairing. Despite being one-shots that although not in sequential order, are related on some level, they have been quite the treat to read. You always nail the head when it comes to keeping characters true to their canon selves, thank you for that consistency. I also enjoyed reading this chapter about Sakura's parents coping with her getting married; dad's are always adorable about this stuff.

Looking forward to any more Sas/Sak goodness you may have bubbling!

magnolia11 chapter 4 . 4/20/2018
This was such a wonderful read. Short and sweet :D
wingedmercury chapter 4 . 4/14/2018
ha, you did a great job with Sakura’s parents. I love how she wanders in at the end, and her parents have to hide the secret from her :-) adorable. I loved it as always. And it was definitely worth the wait :-)
Pixie07 chapter 4 . 4/9/2018
Super cute chapter
fanofthisfiction chapter 4 . 4/8/2018
I am glad you shared this additional one shot, looking into the lives of Kizashi and Mebuki. It warms my heart to see how easily Kizashi is swayed to accept the situation and the outward joy he has for the sake of Sakura's dream come true. He's emotional, in a good way, warm and friendly, and at the look of things will welcome Sasuke into their family, something nice Sasuke deserves too.

I adore that Mebuki has already seen the change in Sasuke and is happy of the man he has become. The whole scenario is the start of something good and honestly I can see the opening to a follow up one shot to this too if you were so inclined.

Your Kizashi is certainly much sweeter than my depiction and it makes me happy that Sasuke has found his way into such a warm and loving family. Thanks for sharing!
MLLu chapter 4 . 4/8/2018
Haha simply adore Sakura's parents. They are so nice and sweet and your depiction of them here was absolutely wonderful. There are no other words for it. I'm so glad that there are more of these even though the 'Show Me The Love' Challenge is over. Such a lighthearted fanfic you have written

Thank you so much for sharing. Keep writing!
Rinfantasy chapter 4 . 4/8/2018
I love the Haruno parents! there should be more stories with them and Sasuke being their son-in-low!
Lady Rini chapter 4 . 4/8/2018
Hilarious! Poor father is so sweet and over protective. I do wonder how that conversation went with Sasuke and Sakura's parents.
iBloo chapter 4 . 4/8/2018
I was a smiling mess the entire time. Sakura's parents are too adorable. 3
Thank you for sharing this fic! It filled my SasuSaku needs for the night. :)
MLLu chapter 3 . 2/23/2018
I really want more of this high quality fanfic

I wanted this one-shot to continue but you ended it at a perfect timing. Otherwise it could have been too boring... Anyway, my point with this is, the chemistry that Sasuke and Sakura had with each other in your one-shot was absolutely perfect. Sasuke being too proud to admit it and Sakura teasing him about it felt like it could really happen. I wish the anime/manga would show us more of their relationship. For sure your characterisation was on point and your plot of them spending a precious moment together was super!

I'm hooked on this sweet, so sweet Sasuke/Sakura story! JUST SPLENDID!
MLLu chapter 2 . 2/23/2018
Awww, a Sakura and Karin story. This was really sweet. Their conversation was so sincere. I can totally picture this happening in the manga/anime. I really like how you also included Sarada when she was a baby too. You definitely nailed the idea/story line and also the writing. So easy to follow. Everything went smoothly ;)


Ps. I also thought that this would be a continuation. Duhhh MLLu, read the summary more carefully :D Haha!
MLLu chapter 1 . 2/23/2018
I'm so glad I found this story via fanofthisfiction's Show Me the Love Challenge. This is really a great start of a love story. Sasuke's proposal!
I really enjoyed Naruto's conversation with Sakura and the end with Ino and Sai together. So cool to know that they are in ANBU together ;)

KUDOS to you!

And yes support Fanfiction Review Movement! #FRM
mississippimudpiecraves chapter 3 . 2/20/2018
I like how you portrayed Sasuke. He wasn't overly sweet but he still showed how much he cared for and admired Sakura. He was also playful in a way he can only show Sakura. Thank you for this endearing fic!
mississippimudpiecraves chapter 2 . 2/20/2018
I forgot they were a series of one shots hence my earlier review. Lol. This was a tender moment between Sakura and Karin. It was done very nicely. Even that bit with Sasuke in the end was surprising but sweet. I like how you showed Karin's support for their family even though she had feelings for Sasuke.
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