Reviews for stay (don't stray)
BazilFay chapter 1 . 7/6
Sooo perfect!
shadewatcher chapter 1 . 5/2/2019
SQWEEEEEE! Soo cute!
Elf Kid2.0 chapter 1 . 10/14/2018
This is lovely. Re-readi f this is lovely.

Thank You so, so much for this beautiful, wonderful story!
multyfangirl21 chapter 1 . 8/8/2018
Pun not intended but this was a very sweet ficlet
joanhello chapter 1 . 7/8/2018
This is so cute! And totally in character. You do the pining and angst really well.
Infin8 chapter 1 . 3/28/2018
Cute! :-)
Wynter Spite chapter 1 . 3/4/2018
I'm baffled that this doesn't have a hundred comments (and only that much because I know people tend to just read and leave) and I want you to know that you have such beautiful talent and that I love everything you write. There is literally nothing you could create that would make me think you are anything less than amazing.
Ardina Falconhurst chapter 1 . 2/18/2018
Scheherazade! I knew that name looked familiar, can't believe I didn't catch it the first time. She's from the Arabian Nights, One thousand and One Nights...telling a story but not the ending every day to stay alive until he falls in love with her.
Perfect. XD
Guest chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
This was really beautiful! I love how considerate she is, giving him her own bowl of soup and coffee mug, instead of just being hurt and giving up the whole thing, when he thinks she's trying to poison him.
The bit when he "stalks with stiff grace, like an offended cat" was magnificent,I could just see him doing that! And the final confrontation was lovely, too.
Thanks for sharing this!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
Of course, all the sweet adorable stuff other people have already here and elsewhere for this fic.
But now I also want to see your take on Megs seeing the Iocane poison scene from Princess Bride. Ok, honestly, Megamind, Roxanne and Minion (and Wayne if he plays nice) MySTing/fangasmining over the movie would be awesome, but I mostly want to see him overthink the problem and his reaction to the solution.
Ardina Falconhurst chapter 1 . 2/16/2018
Haha the feral cat story would've been a great title too.
I loved this story, because he really would be that paranoid and wouldn't have believed her. Plus, it was adorable how you worked through it all.
San'Hana chapter 1 . 2/16/2018
Roxanne taming Megamind's mental health over such a long period of time, and with such patience... That's a refreshing change from your usual approach, and a comforting one for people with trust issues. Thank you!
BookWormGirl93 chapter 1 . 2/16/2018
Oh my god, I love this so much! my heart keeps melting from reading these amazing stories! please never stop! You're my favorite!
Rusyne98 chapter 1 . 2/16/2018
I, ah, I actually cried for this. I didn't really realise at first, just kind of felt it as a twist in my chest and throat, and then a friend looked at me and said "Are you crying?!" It was kind of funny in hindsight.
I would say it started about the time Roxanne tells him "You don't have to" and just... all Megamind's self inflicted, confused pain. I got secondhand hurts.
And then it got to them sitting on the couch and it still hurt, his uncertainty, but Roxanne's gentle amusement was so infectious so it made these quiet little breathy chuckles? I guess?
Anyway, the biggest thing really wanted to say was that your versions of these guys are so *real* and absolutely *overflowing* with emotion. So, you're amazing and I love all your stories. 3
espejodeafrodita chapter 1 . 2/16/2018
this was just perfect
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