Reviews for Flame Light! Flee darkness! Lacho Calad! Drego Morn!
lilly042004 chapter 21 . 7/14
Please continue writing more. My anxiety is up. I need to know what happens next lol
d'elfe chapter 21 . 4/26
So, aherm. This is a predicament that I wasn't expecting. You've done a good job at suprinsing me there.
I was also surprised that the guard felt so strongly about a mortal, in such little time. But your expanation makes sense; she was good for Tessarion.

Poor Glorfindel is being pulled in every direction. I can't wait to see his reaction to the twins' abduction. And I understand Elrohir's decision. Either way, he can't be separated from his twin. I hope Rin can get them out of there !

I wonder who is guiding those orcs and wargs at the moment ? Saruman ? this is definitely something they will have to work on, if the ennemy grows more intelligent, they are in a bad situation.
My husband would say 'on a pas le cul sorti des ronces !" with southern accent. Which means 'we've got our ass stuck in brambles'.
Niger Unda chapter 21 . 4/25
Holly shit I did not see that coming! Far out Rin is going to be so pissed at them despite how they hurt her.
Niger Unda chapter 20 . 4/25
So many tears... so perfectly written... so many tears...
convalla91 chapter 21 . 4/25
Elfling indeed. I hope they mature after this. Also low key hope rin saves them
Ruiniel chapter 21 . 4/25
Oh you just made my evening evening a little brighter with that mention. Thank you, so glad to hear it! And I like how you started this with a nice view into her complicated state of mind at the beginning. It was cool to read. Can I just say I loved the line "did *they* feel this when they left me?" I just do. I'm glad she decided to return and I read that with a sigh of relief let me tell you!

Glorfindel reflecting near Tessarion was endearing and wrenching to read. I always love a good scene with that golden boy! And I adored the brothers mature reaction when learning about her and the Captain.

"How do you expect me to explain this to your father?" Hah! So good Glorfindel. So good.

The experience with the creature was eerie, well done! I'm also rather enjoying Raithon, nice OC y'got there! And then, look at what you do! As usual great action sequence but I did not expect that to happen! Elladan, I don't know whether I want to hug him or kill him. And Elrohir, argh. It looks like their hoped for reunion will still be a while. Wonder how she will come into play. Eagerly looking forward to the next update as always
leelee202 chapter 20 . 4/14
Oh geez. I did not expect Tessarion to die, even though Elrond foresaw it. I expected Glorfy boy to prevent it and I was on edge, thinking that Glorfindel might actually die. Thankfully you spared him. Still, it was a heartbreaking chapter with the death of a beloved character. Farewell Tessarion.
So the twins are going to find Rin. I do hope she gives them a bit of hell before forgiving them.
Great chapter. Well done.
leelee202 chapter 19 . 4/14
Oh please don't let anything happen to Glorfy! I freakin' love your Glorfindel. So sassy :D
Anyway, I'm glad the twins have now come to their senses and are making a decision, though it is a tough one because they are under the impression that the bond with Rin can only be formed with one of them. I have a feeling they're going to be in for one hell of a surprise.
Now let's hope they get there in time to save Tessarion. Please don't kill Glorfindel.
leelee202 chapter 18 . 4/14
Phew, that was hot. Poor Tessarion didn't stand a chance ;) I really liked that she used her womanly wiles on him and he succumbed. At least a bond hadn't been formed, which is a good thing, considering.
Uh-oh. The last scene has me all nervous. I do hope Elrond can change what he saw in his vision.
Great chapter. Well done.
leelee202 chapter 17 . 4/14
Wow. This was a very well written chapter. You write the fight scenes very well, not to mention underlying sexual tension.
The twins are returning to Rivendell. Does this mean they realise the mistake of their actions and are going to try and make ammends with Rin? I am eager to see their reaction when they learn that there is something more between Rin and Tessarion.
Great chapter. Well done.
convalla91 chapter 20 . 4/4
d'elfe chapter 20 . 4/2
Damn it, I'm crying now. I was so glad that Rin's reverse grip had saved his life. But I knew it, for the last chapter, that you would kill him anyway. Tessarion wasn't meant to last. I loved his character all the same, I'm very sad to see him go :'( May his soul find peace in the halls of Mandos and his beloved find him.

Anyway. My other comments, now that I can see straight through my tears (damn you !).
The moment when Glorfindel wraps himself in power and light is poetry to my eyes. You don't write often but, my freaking god, when you write, you don't do it in half. It is beautiful, incredibly beautiful.

It is funny how you write the twins as a single entity. More than connected, what happens to one happens to the second one. It is slightly unsettling.
And finally... ahem. I know you don't believe in such things but I'd bet my mother you've been a warrior in another life. As for a bowl of rice in soy sauce, give me that every morning with a miso soup and I'll be happy forever.

Anyway. Cheers to you. I'm depressed now, ugh !
Ruiniel chapter 20 . 4/1
Yes! Ladies and gents, we got ourselves an update *taps phone furiously*
I liked Rin's brief nostalgia at the start for the simple comforts of home (unrelated to that dish, but I sure would like some ramen right about now!)

Ugh, the goodbye, between them... Tessarion was incredibly sweet. I cannot believe he called her that! Valar, the balance just tipped from the twins to him.

I loved me some Glorfindel in this! I liked that you added some of his POV, and the description of him steeling his resolve for his Guard... *swoons shamelessly* Goodness, lol. I loved how you used the chromatic variances of Light to describe him in this chapter. Yes, he *is* the Sun!

The battle was amazingly well rendered! I loved every part of it. I liked how Glorfindel and the brothers plunged into the mayhem each with their own driving power. How Glorfindel sought Tessarion while the brothers worried for Rin. Aww their war goddess...
I loved our Tes' desperate stand, and how Rin indirectly helped save his life. The image of him ripping that warg's jaw was just superb. Well done on this action scene!

I'm typing this as I read, so... Why. Just why. I'm sorry, I cannot with you right now. I already worried for this OC which you drew out so well, and now... you... do this... I'm there mourning him, too (and standing suspiciously close to your Glorfindel). But really, that scene was so respectful and beautiful and so very wrenching to read, and makes his goodbye to Rin all the more regretful. I loved the words he had for ElEl. And how each of those present, in their different levels of connection with him mourned. Zeale... *I'm not crying, you're crying!*

Again, beautiful Tessarion POV, lovely Glorfindel POV, and that description of his light darkening to a warm yellow sunset... one of those lines which sticks with you.

You gave this OC a grand exit and a great goodbye. It did justice to him, though he will be missed. Now onward with the search, since they somewhat know where to go! Thank you for this long update, it gave me such a good reprieve! Take care
Angel chapter 19 . 2/3
I can’t wait to see what happens next :)
Mar lor chapter 19 . 2/4
I've been keeping a tab open on my phone with this story for months now! I really enjoy reading this story and I hope you find the time to update fast! Can't wait for the big reunion and I hope she gives them hell before she gives them the best night of their lives (winkwink)
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