Reviews for Forged in Blood
chrisv002 chapter 2 . 3/28/2019
When will this be updated?
Guest chapter 2 . 5/30/2018
I know season 5 has already started but, this is so good that you should continue it.
Lola M. Gregory chapter 1 . 3/12/2018
Ooooohh, so good. Is Clarke's unit from Becca's or shall I say Clarke's lab, home that that Ravan,Echo, Bellamy, Harper Monty, and Murphy had been at prior to praimfaya. Where they rocketed out of with Clarke making sure they were able to leave.

Keep on writing. Need to know more. Take care, God Bless, and have a wonderful day. :)
gollymissmolly10 chapter 2 . 3/13/2018
Thanks for the update. Extra information is always good. At what point does Mark come along? I thought Clarke's eyes became like a pretty metallic blue, but gives a silver sheen that you notice maybe with she movements of her head or eyes. It gives a silver reflective sheen upon the movement that occurs when she moves her head or eyes around.

PLEASE UPDATE SOON. It's so good to me. I wish someone would have taken Lexa's body, given her night blood transfusions, fixed the injury, and his her away in a smaller new found bunker and she came out weeks after praimfaya to look around . Low and behold Clarke exploring a new area screwdrivers to a stop in front of Lexa and an a 30'ish man. Both girls state at one another with slack jaws.

Even if the nightblood and radiation caused Lexa's cells to reactivate, grow, replenish, heal, and reanimate her body with longevity
manticore-gurl071134 chapter 1 . 3/12/2018
Awesome start! Please continue!
DarkerRooney chapter 2 . 2/25/2018
Can't wait!
Redwrex chapter 1 . 2/19/2018
ok. I'm hooked!