Reviews for Traitors
ChaoticDreamz chapter 1 . 4/16
Aww, this was super cute. I love anything Shinji and Hiyori love/hate related and Hiyori getting bothered by something Shinji does "just because" was so on point. I love how their relationship is open to interpretation. Like to me who sees them as a one/sided Hiyori loves him, but he just sees her a kid sister, it was perfect. But it's open for people who want to delve into thier relationship more.

Also the mice not being scared by Yoruichi because she isn't a real cat had me in stitches.

Great job and thanks for a great read :)
RisingPurple chapter 1 . 8/28/2019
"You're a good friend." Ah the feels! I've thought there should be more light brought to that. I mean he threw his life away for them.
photomonkee923 chapter 1 . 3/22/2019
Aw loved it! You should write more of these, and more on these characters! I love them!