Reviews for Red and Blue
Hitamukiissekiwa chapter 1 . 2/9/2019
It's always a shame to find a lack of certain crossovers. You're sure you'll find them, surely someone else likes, say, Doctor Who, and Carmen Sandiego – but alas! None to be found. Of course, they also say that if you want something done – something done right, especially – you gotta do it yourself. Kudos to pioneering the DW/WitWiCS on this site, and hopefully others will follow your excellent example! Great little convo, very IC for both. Very, very well done. Fantastic! Hopefully might see more if you feel so inclined, but either way, glad for what you gave us. And looking forward to whatever else you might feel inspired to write! -
willam and jack and jake chapter 1 . 6/10/2018
lol that explains of tech that ACME had, well done
Cabbit in Red chapter 1 . 4/13/2018
It was short but I REALLY enjoyed it. My favorite thief and my favorite Doctor. Thank you for this, meow.
Adam Safran chapter 1 . 2/24/2018
Nice! Well played and original dynamic! I suppose next we run into Miss Frizzle, that has the School Bus as her TARDIS..
Atarya QueenofEgypt chapter 1 . 2/24/2018
This was very good. By the way, do you know anything on Yu-Gi-Oh? I mean... Would you like to do a Yu-Gi-Oh roleplay that's crossed over with Where On Earth Is Carmen Sandiego? Please PM me back as soon as you get this. Thanks.