Reviews for Now You See Me, Soon You Won't
DemonWolf25 chapter 17 . 7/21
Im not sure i understand how not only how the phone hasnt lost all battery power but the web works? How is that even possible?
DemonWolf25 chapter 8 . 7/20
oh that last part got me laughing hard, lol
DemonWolf25 chapter 6 . 7/20
Why did it go into first person instead of what it was in the last chapters? Im surprised by where in the story you put her, it makes it a bit more interesting. Im not sure if Ciel had a brother but its interesting. I wonder if he will survive too...
snickerdoodle45 chapter 19 . 7/5
I really want her to stop all the unfortunate events, or at least try. I think the guilt would eat her up knowing that she knows and not trying to stop iti know it would change the whole story though (or maybe she tries to change both events and she does successfully, but they happen anyway because you can’t cheat death or something like that)
skaterrockgirl chapter 28 . 7/2
Love it! Damn... love the scenes with Undertaker, every chapter surprises me. The one with the braiding was so fluffy, actually quite the fluff in this chapter, ofc very light fluff. Love the part in which Undertaker tried to be dominant~ ah~ loved that, oh, and the other one with the eyebrows cracked me up, I did not expect Undertaker to question what she likes, quite bold of him, but then again Undertaker is unpredictable. Can not wait for when Sebastian comes into play, honestly, i do not want to be rude or anything, i know you want to build the character, and her past with them, but maaan, do I wanna see her interact with Sebastian sooner, and to actually see Undertaker and Sebastian kinda fighting for her attention or something like that. Again, do not wanna sound rude, but my patience is running thin, i love what you write. Will not be surprising if Undertaker is not figuring her out even when Sebastian is in the picture...
BlackSakura-chi chapter 15 . 4/12
I feel like Shin would be nice as the nickname for Undertaker. He's a death god right? So in Japanese terms, a shinigami. Then Shin feels more of an actual name. Well "Un" is alright as well, but too short and almost feels like your just humming. Unless, it's somehow based of the word "urn" which is related to his job.
xenocanaan chapter 26 . 4/1
I can’t wait to read more!
Asia1990 chapter 25 . 3/21
Slow.. so very slow.. I think that you dropped your OC too far back into the past. For being an Undertaker/OC/Sebastian story, there's been twenty-five chapters of OC and Undertaker's shenanigans driving her nuts and only just now, in chapter 25, is Undertaker -slightly- beginning to realize he has feelings for her, and Sebastian hasn't even shown up yet.. Sheesh.

Don't get me wrong, it's a good story, but you may want to add a slowburn tag to the description.
skaterrockgirl chapter 25 . 3/21
dayum, i can't wait for when she'll meet Sebastian. i am really curious if you view Undertaker as being possessive, i mean, naturally, demons are possessive, but i wonder how'll you'll make Undertaker be. how you view him. and also i can see the development between them. Undertaker's feelings have started to be kinda acknowledged, but i seriously love how somehow dense she is to those feelings which is very funny. i am really curious how dark you are going to make this.

looking forward to it. may your imagination prospere!
annevic chapter 25 . 3/1
I loved the bit with Undertaker's perspective. I really enjoy the dynamic you have going between Rachel and the other characters! Such a good story and a good update!
skaterrockgirl chapter 24 . 2/18
HELLOOOO SORRY FOR BEING ABSENT. So i've read the updated chapters and all i can say is DAAAAMN I LOVE THE LITTLE QUARREL BETWEEN UNDERTAKER AND HER and the hug, then the laugh and then he kinda trying to be romantic AND THE FUCKING LITTLE KISS ON THE FOREHEAD. MY HEARTU~ absoletultely love it can't wait for the meeting and for the triad interaction
AwesomeFangirlOtaku01 chapter 17 . 2/7
Bro did Undertaker literally just talk about impregnating Rachel or did I process it wrong
bunnyxstar chapter 24 . 2/1
Aww thank you for the dedication chapter!
I've really enjoyed following you're story and watch how you build up Rachel with the original characters. Very interesting In to the future AU it's great to see more of what Rachels like with her own time and how Undertaker,Vincent and Diedrich (Hope he doesn't find out about the holocaust is right o_O though it would be interesting) react to her time and life.
Again thank you for this chapter!
loveshit chapter 23 . 1/8
Undertaker u cute lil dookie . i see y oc cant stay mad at him for too long
Anyway thankyu 4 updating cant wait for the next one
Guest chapter 22 . 12/2/2019
too good
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