Reviews for Agony
Ana Xpert chapter 1 . 2/27/2018
That was heartbreaking and I think Black Panther could be more tactile, less of an asshole in the way he dealt with things. I don't fully know why it had to be that way and they had to part, irreconcilable differences and all that shit, but, please don't you have a heart, man? I can't wait for the other heartbreaking episodes you'll show us, because, you know, I'm a sucker for pain.
I'm not a particular fan of the drabble format but yours worked for me.
Ludi chapter 1 . 2/27/2018
I have zero idea what is going on here, but I figured I should read and review anyway, cos you deftly handle the feeling of confusion and betrayal Ororo must be (is) feeling. This was from the period when I wasn't reading comics, so I don't know about the ins and outs of what happened between the Avengers and X-Men, so this little story is a revelation to me, as I had no idea that this was why their marriage broke up. I'm looking forward to reading your takes on the other X-Men, as and when you can manage them - there is no lack of tragedy in any of their lives, let's be frank!

Well done on getting such depth of feeling in such a short space, btw. You are really good with economising your words on a way I'm not. It works so well here. :)
xevg-x chapter 1 . 2/26/2018
Well hello dear!
I don't like/care much Black Panther because this reasons. Never like him with Ororo and was so damn lot happy when their marriage or whatever was over (or canceled via Marvel), so I don't really know how much is accurate (canon) and what is not.

Now with the review of this story that I already hearted (favorited and followed) because well is captivating. Love the way your writing flows. I gonna wait patientely for new chapter(s) because I always enjoy anything you write.