Reviews for Migoroshi
SakiHanajima1 chapter 1 . 5/27/2012
I loved this story..i laughed so hard at the end with Yusuke yelling at Hiei... I love stories to wear I can actually picture whats going on.
UshiMu chapter 1 . 2/10/2008

Really! This, You're amazing! I want you to write more! Please continure the story! Its so difficult to find a truly enjoyable fan fic! I love you! You're my new favorite fan fiction writer! Great work!

(p.s. my enthusiasm is mainly erupting in this mannor, because I cried too- and I don't do that over fanfictions... so GOOD JOB!)
Sakura Trees chapter 1 . 7/18/2006
i really loved this story do more of hiei? im going to find your lemon on
Lathya chapter 1 . 10/2/2004
I really like this one-shot. You should write a sequel to it, like when there, a little older, and Ikazuchi and Hiei are married, maybe with kids. Something like that.

Ja ne
Yasha T chapter 1 . 6/23/2003
As I told you. Yes I did read it. Were you trying to make me cry? And yes I did read the note. Don't write death stories. You'll make others cry BIG time.


Yasha T.
Elbereth in April chapter 2 . 5/14/2003
This was very well written. I liked the way Yusuke yelled at Hiei at the end (except I don't like swearing, but I am obviously in the minority about that). But this was a very good fic.
k chapter 1 . 5/11/2003
You have got to or not put it up on Adultfanfiction really son
Kya Elastillar Hiei's GF chapter 1 . 5/7/2003
Write the frickin' lemon on the one website, pretty please? It would be very nice if you did. Pr u could put it on , there's no law that says otherwise. I love your story. I've read it six times! That's sad. Now, post the lemon! (uses Jedi mind power) You want to post the lemon part, okay? Okay. I luv your story!
Lady Goddess Sephiroth chapter 1 . 4/29/2003
Pretty good. Strange, but it definately fit together for some reason. It was your detail I think that made the anime characters fit together. You did a good job.

~The Lady Sephiroth~
unknown chapter 1 . 4/26/2003
OH shit that was so good but whats with that ending? I mean the guys girl died right in front of him and when he's in the bliss of haveing her alive again, and there's that moment, here comes Yuusuke yelling telling him to 'Stop sucking her tongue off' what kinda shit is that? aside from that I loved this story its my favorite, I mean it, a story mainly about Hiei, hell yeah its my favorite.
thisisoldandunused chapter 1 . 4/13/2003
That was so good!

Very cool!
Anastacia Lynn chapter 1 . 3/29/2003
This is a great story I hope there are more chapters