Reviews for Will of the Maker's Blood
Guest chapter 19 . 5/4
Ooh love it can't wait for an update
Guest chapter 6 . 5/3
Loving this
Guest chapter 1 . 5/3
Brave lady
Igzy chapter 18 . 1/17
Yay so happy for more chapters keep up the great work!
Igzy chapter 16 . 12/1/2019
Building up to my favorite part of the game. It's so emotional. I can't wait to see what kind of emotion you add to it! Also, I loved the way you added to the rescue the Haven citizens part.
Igzy chapter 15 . 10/22/2019
Always love a good sparring session. Can't wait to read more!
Igzy chapter 14 . 10/9/2019
Can't wait to read more!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/28/2018
This is fantastic. Please don’t stop writing!
Melicious Intent chapter 8 . 5/28/2018
And I was graced with not one, but two updates. :D

Thank you for these additions. Things are coming together and I'm looking forward to more between the commander and the herald 3
Melicious Intent chapter 6 . 3/24/2018
I enjoy Kassandra's stubborn determination to help the refugees, especially the little foot stomp she does as she decides to speak with Corporal Vale. Plus everyone rationalising why helping is ultimately a boon for the inquisition rather than a time-consuming hindrance is something that went unspoken in the game, but it makes total sense for there to have been an actual discussion on the matter, which you provide from all perspectives.
Your flow is natural and even soothing in a way I can't quite describe. Words on the pages seem to happen of their own accord and sound lovely when strung together.
I appreciate what you're doing here, Queen. I'm looking forward to ch. 7. :)
Melicious Intent chapter 5 . 3/9/2018
I appreciate the little spins on the dialogue wheel you sprinkle in on occasion. It gives Kassandra a bit more agency over her choice of words, and gives us a glimpse into her personality. I like what you've done here, Queen! Excellent stuff!
And Kassandra is very beautiful - the stills you uploaded to your tumblr make me want to read your story with bright red lippy and an extra curl mascara on to get in the mood ;)
Melicious Intent chapter 4 . 3/9/2018
Haaa, Chancellor Roderick. I could strangle him, but I like him at the same time.
Also, "Who let me at the Vint-9 Rowan's Rose again?" Love that little character glimpse there! Ahh, hangovers.
Melicious Intent chapter 3 . 3/9/2018
Oh I love the way you write. It's really drawing me in. And as someone who frequently cuts off chapters just when they're getting interesting, I'm now biting my fingernails at the prospect of being on the receiving end of such cliffhangers for chapters to come!
But now for the reason we all came for - Cullen. I know I've said this before, but I loooove the way you portrayed their first interaction! Oh, Maker, it just gets to me. Something about it... so open to interpretation yet flush with detail. They're like a kitten and a puppy set down in front of one another, cocking their heads to the side and not quite sure what to make of this new creature. I just... hrrnnnnng, I love it, okay? And the reactions of the other companions as it happens is precious. Solas's patient sigh, probably wanting nothing more than to move on, Cassandra's odd lift of a single brow, Varric acting like Bianca is more interesting than anything going on in front of him, but we all know otherwise.
I commend you. I find myself rooting for Kassandra already!
Melicious Intent chapter 2 . 3/9/2018
Tbh any fic that has Cassandra, Varric, and Solas in one scene already has my vote of approval, but I love the little extra content you added to a well-known beginning! I especially like the bit at the start with Cassandra and Leliana, which we as players came in just a bit too late to see. It's believable and you really captured Cass's essence, there! *clicks "next" button*
Melicious Intent chapter 1 . 3/9/2018
This is a good beginning. I like your writing style. The introduction of her family adds that bit of personal heartache, too, since... well, we all know what's about to go down. ;)