Reviews for Break The Hold
AppleJacks1552 chapter 4 . 2/22/2019
Very fun! Wasn't sure how I'd feel about a Rogue/Bishop pairing, even though I like Bishop as a character, but this was a really creative concept and a great use of the astral plane arc from Astonishing. It's an interesting position to put Remy in as her ex. And I love the tease at the ending that hints toward the R&G mini too!
HawkLeBeau chapter 6 . 2/19/2019
That guest comment *rolls eyes*. It looks like they haven't read the Astonishing X-Men series where this concept even came from.

Ana, sha, this was a great story. Very nicely thought out and I like the tie in to the Rogue & Gambit mini at the end. Nice touch! Well done!
Lifeseverchanging chapter 1 . 2/19/2019
*Stares at last "GUEST" review dumbfounded* Remydat, is that you? Amanda Amen? Seriously get over yourself you gutless troll.
Guest chapter 6 . 2/19/2019
So some fake Gambit and Rogue fan was easily conceived of fulfilling a crack pairing of putting Rogue and... Bishop together (the guy who wanted to straight up murder Gambit and who's also a baby killer) since these two have spend no time together in the comics, have nothing to relate to or anything common in the slightest, making them a pairing that's not believable at all (that's for anyone who sticks to the canon history in the comics, which you clearly don't). So you came up with this dumb lame excuse... oh, it's the Shadow Man just doing his thing again...

You make Gambit into the bad guy by ruining this sick little fantasy of theirs and you don't make Gambit and Rogue's so-called love for each other believable at all. The fact that Rogue resisted him for so long, wanted sex with someone else (doing it in all different ways that she had never done before), only slept with Gambit out of lust, not love and even after having sex with Gambit, that still didn't snap her out of it... it took a dumb little speech from Gambit... why didn't he do that before?! It just makes their relationship and love into the fake fantasy, even though they had their memories erased, there still gonna act as if they do remember them? Am I suppose to feel sorry for Bishop? Rogue just can't stop thinking about his big cock and Rogue and Gambit have nothing to say or do after all that... wow... what a Romy fanfic this was... Gambit just can't win here... not with the hacks at Marvel or with the losers at fan function net... so what's the next crack pairing that your easily going to be conceived of doing?
Guest chapter 3 . 2/19/2019
You are no Romy fan... far from it...
Ludi chapter 6 . 2/17/2019
Yay, I finally got round to reading this! Sorry I'm so late! I thought it was extremely clever, how Remy finally managed to break the hold! I was seriously thinking that amazing address just HAD to be the only thing to wake her up, but I'm the end the daughter's name was the perfect thing. For one thing, it woke up Bishop too; but it was also a truly traumatic and heartrending revelation as well, and I'd understand them wanting to forget it. (And you also made me LOL about Rogue wanting to forget Bishop's massive wang as well, OMG!).

Last thing- it was a pleasant surprise to see how this tied into Paraiso and them finally getting back together again. I thought that was really well-played!

So thanks for sharing this story, and i hope you're now settled into your new home! :) xxx
Lifeseverchanging chapter 6 . 2/10/2019
Oh my heart! Secretly I had been hoping this story would go on and on however when I got to the final paragraph I realized how perfect it all was. What a beautiful way to tie everything into the R&G mini. The drama, suspense and sex was so hot in this story! I just truly enjoyed this snippet out of Astonishing - the book that nearly murdered all of my Romy hopes and dreams for a split second. Beautiful work!

I hope you have more stories up your sleeve, Ana.

If you write them I will always read them.
bustedflipflop chapter 6 . 2/9/2019
Yay~! I'm so glad you finished this! As much as some people were afraid as a Rogue/Bishop bangfest, I'm glad you brought this into our lives. I love it!
kataract52 chapter 6 . 2/8/2019

You got it all figured out! You tied up all those lose ends! And it didn't involve Magneto crashing the party and then leaving "for no apparent raisin". This is great!
Lifeseverchanging chapter 5 . 2/4/2019
This is the sexiest cliffhanger on the planet. Haha. When I first found this story I remember being super hesitant due to the Rogue and Bishop pairing however once I had figured out this was a page out of Astonishing X-men I was all in. Mind you, AXM is the first comic I had read last year after years of a hiatus.

I cannot tell you how intrigued I have been by this story. I found it sometime last year and was hooked. I’ve pestered you on the chat to please update this story before and imagine my wonderful surprise to find 2 new chapters recently.

I love the way you write and how you convey my favorite characters. I adore how Remy has to make her remember and how much he is struggling with doing so because he loves her so much it hurts him to have to feel as if he’s using her. We know he’s not but how else is he going to “break the hold”? I really hope Bishop does not interrupt this moment for more reasons than one.

Ack! I can’t wait for more! Seriously. I look forward to the next chapter. Impatiently.
Ludi chapter 5 . 2/2/2019
OMG! Is it weird to say that I somehow feel bad for Bishop! And for their 'daughter'? Even though I know it's not real and it's all just a mirage of the Shadow King's, but gosh, THEY don't know it's not real. And I felt bad for very real dilemma Rogue must be in, caring for her little girl, and yet knowing that this is not the life she wants to lead. But of course, Remy is the only one who can 'cure' her of her confusion... I'm just having nightmares now of Bishop barging in on them and picking a fight with Remy! D: And that the hold STILL isn't broken on either of them, let alone Rogue. Uggggh, you have me on tenterhooks about how this is all going to be resolved! Is hot sex with Remy really the cure-all that Rogue is needing? Or is even hotter, kinkier sex required? I look forward to finding out! :)
Guest chapter 5 . 2/2/2019
kataract52 chapter 5 . 2/2/2019
His thoughts didn't appear. Look, I'm a writer now too, haha. No really, his thought at the end isn't there. But this is still the best fic Im currently reading. I'm the live studio audience hype man shouting "oh snap!" Your stuff is always so entertaining. And did you see Marvel stole your idea? Apparently it's gonna be Bishop and Jean in Age of XMan. I'd prefer her to Rogue but I'm sick of seeing Jean always having a beau. I want her to be a dating pariah. Desperate for dick and can't get it so she starts writing an advice column. Anything but Jean in another love story, please.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/28/2019
The wait is killing me!
Guest chapter 4 . 1/17/2019
Oh, good that you updated it!
never would have thought of a Rogue Bishop's pairing, even if by illusion.
I did not want to be in Gambit's shoes. Haha
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