Reviews for Meet the Murderer
Mason chapter 1 . 4/29/2018
I started reading your work ten years ago because I missed a series that had been very important to me and was a constant comfort for me for many years. I grew up with Carrie and Teddy and they meant a lot to me. I used to revisit the old stories and reread them when I felt down or unsure of myself, putting myself in Carrie's shoes for a few hours. It's been many years since I've done that, I'll admit. I just turned twenty last week, though, and I've been feeling rather lost, so I decided to see if these stories held the same magic they did all of those years ago. I'm very glad to say they do. Seeing Carrie fail again and again, but get up and, despite her flaws, love fiercely and try harder. Knowing I had a fictional friend who was always there to show me that growing up isn't easy was something I clung to. I always point to authors of novels I've read as reason for pursuing an education in literature, but, honestly, it was these stories all these years ago that did it. In a little less than a year I'll be finished with school with a bachelor's degree in English and you inspired that. Thank you for everything. I hope you are well.
RogueSnitch chapter 1 . 3/25/2018
Oh I love this series so much and this was a another brilliant read!
poppins8 chapter 1 . 3/7/2018
This is beautiful, thanks so much for sharing it! Your writing is amazing.
faerieMagic07 chapter 1 . 3/7/2018
SweetDaemon lives! She has posted again! And brilliant fic as always.
- your fan, faerieMagic07
Sarah1996 chapter 1 . 3/6/2018
YAY! :D This was so well written and a really interesting read! But it left me wanting to read more! I love how you portray Dora, it's exactly as I imagine her to be! Please keep the one shots coming! :D x