Reviews for The Prince of Ash and Snow
TheIncredibleDancingBetty chapter 16 . 9/20/2018

I was so afraid that you would let him die!

Thank you for writing this! Thank you!
TheIncredibleDancingBetty chapter 14 . 9/20/2018
Come on, Bulna, he's put himself into the frame of mind that he needs to survive this situation! The last time he let himself get distracted he was captured and tortured for crying out loud! He can start working back to there after this is done!

I'm now resigned to the fact that I'm not going to get any work done until I finish this story. Thanks a lot lol
TheIncredibleDancingBetty chapter 13 . 9/20/2018
I bet that if he wasn't so sleep deprived he Could've taken him lol As it is I think that you have Gokus personality down perfectly. Still loving the story!
TheIncredibleDancingBetty chapter 12 . 9/20/2018
Wow. You had me worried there a couple of times. But the way that you timed the flashbacks worked perfectly, keeping the reader guessing and on the edge. Bravo!
TheIncredibleDancingBetty chapter 11 . 9/20/2018
Oh love how you portray the cat and mouse game here!
TheIncredibleDancingBetty chapter 10 . 9/20/2018
I was able to video chat with my husband today and I couldn't help but tell him about this story. Especially considering how much he likes mafia stories. He still doesn't understand why I like anime but luckily he thinks it's cute lol
Still loving this story. Loved the fight with Goku, his journey through the city and what happened with Dodoria. And SO glad that Bulma doesn't seem to be taking the theft personally
TheIncredibleDancingBetty chapter 9 . 9/19/2018
Gah! This chapter was too short!

I'm so glad that he doesn't want to kill her anymore. Though something tells me that there is an anterior motive. Having Nappa take him like that seems sloppy, almost like they wanted him to escape.

Either way still love the story and your writing!
TheIncredibleDancingBetty chapter 8 . 9/19/2018
I both love and hate this chapter for obvious reasons. Your description of the torture was almost too poignant. It made my stomach queasy which only stands in testament to your ability as a writer
TheIncredibleDancingBetty chapter 7 . 9/19/2018
This chapter was just plain sweet. Again I love how he is opening up to her since much and how accepting she is being. Though his hatred of Frieza and what he did to him probably helped of course
TheIncredibleDancingBetty chapter 6 . 9/19/2018
Oh there are no words to describe it but I will attempt.
This chapter was just plain beautiful in its awesomeness. The memory flash backs were beyond description and threatened tears. Bulmas reaction to all of this was perfect. I love how she didn't even flinch at the mention of him with Frieza. Oh, how much he needs a friend, a companion like her!
Not a single negative point on this chapter. Thank you for writing it!
TheIncredibleDancingBetty chapter 5 . 9/19/2018
A large chunk of that was confusing but I know that it was intentional considering his state of mind. Thus said it was done beautifully!

I was a medic when I was in the military and because of this always find medical errors in stories supremely annoying, particularly because I was trained in combat medicine and that seems to be ALWAYS what it's concerning. You, however, have handled this beautifully once more! In part it is likely because you are vague in exactly what is being done, instead concentrating on Vegeta in his wonderful delirium lol

And with how their relationship is progressing, how Vegeta is thawing, EVERYTHING...highly enjoyable, thoroughly addicting and wonderful writing!
TheIncredibleDancingBetty chapter 4 . 9/19/2018
Oh the things that I love about this chapter! I as always love how you do the dialogue, use imagery and describe the thoughts of your characters! I LOVE the romance, how it is affecting Vegeta, like Bullard is a day of sunshine breaking through his armor chink by chunks. Yes I love love love love love it!
TheIncredibleDancingBetty chapter 3 . 9/19/2018
Maybe I'm becoming biased but I think in a lot of ways I like this version better than the original lol However I can't help but wonder how long you will follow the original storyline, I can't see the potential romance blossoming if he tries to kill Goku.
Again loving the hints at Vegeta s childhood. The relationship between him and Nappa is realistic. Critiques, critiques, critiques...damn still can't find any!
TheIncredibleDancingBetty chapter 2 . 9/19/2018
I love how you are weaving the real dbz storyline with this one. The way you change the characters, still somehow keeping them in canon at the same time is awesome. For example how you smoothed out Bulma, causing the interplay between her and Vegeta to be downright adorable.

In thus chapter you kept everyone hoping. Hoping that Vegeta would come and save the day. Which of course he doesn't. Yes! The hints of his childhood are wonderful. Awesome chapter!
TheIncredibleDancingBetty chapter 1 . 9/19/2018
Holy crap I'm not sure what to say. Normally I hate AU but the summary and love for Vegeta drew me in.

I'm SO glad that I started!

This has yo be one of the best written fabrics that I've read in recent memory which only shines a light on what a good author you are!

For the life of me I can't find a single critique. I'm trying not to read it too fast because that will mean that I get to the end and I have no more to read!

Im taking care of another family members kids, which with my own total 6, which im also doing on my iwn because my husband is deployed. This story has become a source if solace every night when the house is finally quiet and by can sit down. I thank you for that. I've actually read to the third chapter and realized that i haven't reviewed lol

Hopefully you are in the process of writing the next chapter (fingers crossed)

Again wonderful writing!
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