Reviews for Nate and Isabel
Linneagb chapter 1 . 7/5/2018
Aw. This was cute. I read the book last year, planning on watching the movie this weekend. I thought I'd give fanfiction a try too. And the relationship in between Auggie and his parents is just too adorable. You captured (I think that's the word, English isn't my first language) it great. The start of Nate's pov was quite funny when he doesn't quite remember what he's told or not. And so was it when Isabel scared him at the end. It's so sad that Daisy had to die. But like you said in the story, sometimes children deal with it better than adults.

If you write a sequel, please send me a pm about it. I'll read it and then hope that Nate doesn't die because it would break my heart if he did.

Thanks for writing and sharing. -Linneagb
Serpico1986 chapter 1 . 3/14/2018
Great story. I was a bit confuse in the very first lines, till i realise it was an authhor note.
Congratulations for it, Auggies worry about his dad is so heartwarming.