Reviews for Closer: Modern Lily & James AU
Guest chapter 12 . 6/22
Ooo I actually really like this story! Please update!
earthbibble chapter 1 . 6/22
Please update! I really love this story and the way the time spots r written!
Sonia chapter 12 . 9/7/2019
Can't wait for the next chapter really loving this story
Natalieeannee chapter 11 . 4/29/2019
A magnificent story line!
A gem to stumble upon

I am really looking forward to following what happens next!

Thanks for writing and sharing
Guest chapter 10 . 12/18/2018
This is so good!
Imogendoylee chapter 9 . 12/2/2018
This is brilliant keep going!
pissing-in-a-river chapter 10 . 11/13/2018
This is genius, a really well thought out story, please do not abandon this, I'm pretty sure this will turn out beautifully when finished, I trust your distinct talent, and it would be a shame to not get to know more of your version of our beloved characters, it's an excepcional take on them. I know things get hectic in life, especially in a writer's life but if it is dismotivation, please accept this review as encouragement and a reason to finish this piece because your talent may take you places should you pursue this career, I'm telling ya! It may be mostly for selfish reasons that I want you to continue the story but I wouldn't be reading your work if I thought differently. Congrats on your writing and hope you're not too far from updating it! Thank you for bringing this masterpiece to light!
live4books chapter 10 . 10/22/2018
Please update again soon! I love this story and hope you continue it!
alightwith-happiness chapter 10 . 5/29/2018
New chapter was well worth the wait! I love this story and how beautifully you make their love come to life! It makes me smile so hard and my heart burst with happiness! I also love how it combines with the present day angst/righteousness and can’t wait to see what happens next!
live4books chapter 9 . 5/5/2018
Another great chapter! Now both of them know the prophecy... who will tell the other first? Will this help James accept Lily's 4 year absence?

The only story I've read with a similar armband plot line is Every Other Midnight by Kathryn's NomDePlume.
TrueHomiePiP chapter 9 . 5/5/2018
Man, I wanted to smack this Gilbert dude upside his head!
James is going to get all friggin' "we can't be together now! Never ever ever never, I say" isn't he? xD
aaahhh they've already lost so much time and ugh I get chest pains whenever these two aren't together :P

I think a 'previously on Closer' might be a good idea \o/ I don't have a lot of trouble remembering the details of this story because you don't leave it incredibly long between updates, but my mind is not a steel-trap either :P great job! \o/
Bex chapter 8 . 4/25/2018
Great chapter! I loved sirius and Remus, the two best friends James could ask for. I am also so interested in where this goes!
Guest chapter 8 . 4/25/2018
Really good!
TrueHomiePiP chapter 8 . 4/25/2018
Oh man, Lily's just sitting on a whole can of worms :O
and she had sex with him again without telling him anything about the prophecy :O I know they got caught up in the moment, but that's a hell of a thing to leave out :'D what if she's pregnant now?

I still feel really bad for James in this :( I feel for the both of them because Lily lost the same four years, but he's been left wondering this whole time and she expects him to understand it in a day and then she lets the new guy mess with his head even more :O it's obvious he still loves her and she got a damn tattoo to commemorate her love. if James thinks she doesn't love him, why can't she at least tell him the new guy isn't a problem? :S
I don't actually know which is worse though: not knowing for four years or knowing for four years and being unable to do anything else. I still think she could've come back. She's supposed to be the type to defy Voldemort, right? xD try some defiance, Lily :P
great job! \o/
live4books chapter 8 . 4/23/2018
Ah, your updates always make my day! As usual, your updates answer some questions and leave me with burning new ones! I loved the car scene with how the boys reacted to being on the highway. I also like how you emphasized that Lily was 18 when she was making the choices that led her to her decision. That is a lot to take in at 18, especially after the trauma of losing her parents.

Though I can't help but now wonder if that night in the Rover will lead to a pregnancy she was trying to avoid...
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