Reviews for And Sweet was the Smell of Spring
Sreyashi Saha chapter 1 . 1/23
Wow what a piece of literature.
Glacious chapter 1 . 3/16/2018
Well, I found this beautiful. Nearly had tears in my eyes by the end. Feel for Sakura here; truly do. Probably can relate a bit to her, too, even though maybe not exactly in this manner.

So as I see it, uh, the first couple of lines or so, the conditions outside are both a combination of beauty and sensuality; lust, too, if we take into consideration that line about the ground enticing the slumbering animal to come forth and bring life (or something?). The line after that sets up a contrast with the room being dark, with them both being hidden away in the shadows. You've taken a season that involves the creation of life and turned it sinister (while still keeping its beauty), the lines that follow emphasizing on Nature's cruelty, too. The way the first half of this has been set up seems to try and work a balance between those two ideas while also taking into consideration the deed happening and tying it in with the season- Spring. Her thoughts continually focus on how she doesn't want his seed, how she is weak to her own lust, and how she wishes it were someone else, extending both the idea of beauty (or how she perceives it: through romantic notions, through the satiation of her own lust at the hands of the one that she most desires), and also the idea of how this is something she can never have, how she feels, to some extent, humiliated to be giving in to Kakashi instead, knowing that it will lead nowhere anyway- the image I had here was of someone desperately lonely and desperately sad wanting someone, something, and never being able to obtain it in a season where life blooms all around; tying this in with the ideas introduced early on, basically.

...and that's about it, I think?