Reviews for Kallen Stadtfeld, Countess of Britannia
Benolition chapter 32 . 7/13
All caught up at last! Now to patiently wait for future updates

On another note, it occurs to me that I haven't actually commented on how expansive you've made your world in this fic: I've had to do some wiki reading to gets the gist of the new characters to draw comparisons with. I also haven't mentioned how well you're adapting canon material for your AU. In particular the way you're handling the king is amazing: you've struck a balance between the pragmatist that most of canon shows him as, with the supposedly caring father R2 briefly touched on. Its arguably the most realistic portrayal of his character I've seen so far. The way your handling "magic" is also vastly more interesting than canon.

Anyways, keep up the great work and stay healthy!
Benolition chapter 19 . 7/11
Loved the omakes: they're a well written story on their own merits.

I think it has also helped me understand why your work in particular stands out to me: the dynamics between Kallen and Lelouch. Most fics of quality tend to focus in on his relationships with Suzaku or C.C. when there is a primary focus. Kallen is still well developed, but she tends to be one of many focuses even when she shares the spotlight. You obviously really focus on her and take the significance of their relationship further than most others.

Great work
Benolition chapter 14 . 7/10
Holy shit this is awesome.

Your grammar is solid, character development is well paced, dynamics are solid, concept well executed...

Very well done, can't wait to see how this goes from here
Jupiter's Bull chapter 26 . 6/17
Awwwwww. So they weren't really engaged. I missed that. But that ending was wonderful and sweet. I really love Lelouch and Kallen's relationship in this story. That level of openness and trust is so rare, and something most people in the world will never have. So to see them have it is truly something beautiful. And besides, Lelouch deserves one timeline where he can be happy!
Jupiter's Bull chapter 20 . 6/16
Aww. I was hoping to see Leluch pop the question. Oh well. The plotting and intrigue in this story just helps the worldbuilding so much. I love all the moving parts you have in this story. Truly, you've written something great here. I am loving every chapter more and more!
Jupiter's Bull chapter 16 . 6/15
Good lord how does this not have more reviews and favorites? This is one of the best pieces of fiction I have ever seen on this site. Your worldbuilding is insane. Absolutely beautiful and fleshed out. You really have taken the time to set up all the pieces of the story in an intricate manner, with so many moving parts all acting in concert towards a beautiful whole. Your characterization and dialouge is fantastic. There's nothing about this story that I don't love. I cannot recommend this enough to any potential readers. If you are looking for a fresh code geass story that treats the subject matter with respect and also introduces a compelling plot then this is the story to read. Thank you for all your hard work. You're a truly fantastic writer, and I have been loving thia journey so far!
EVA-Saiyajin chapter 20 . 6/13
Some nice scenes of political intrigue and guerrilla warfare.
sasuke indra chapter 17 . 6/9
Anne is Marianne... isn't she... I'm at the conversation she has with Kallen in this chapter if anyone is wondering why I said this...
xfel chapter 32 . 6/4
Great story! I really like that you took the time to go deeper into the magic system. It's fascinating, but canon only shows us the very surface.
alpha099 chapter 32 . 6/3
This is such a great story, really hope you continue writing.
Guest chapter 32 . 4/28
Are you going to update soon? Hope you do! It's a good story!
FateBurn chapter 31 . 4/23
Great story so far
FateBurn chapter 32 . 4/23
Good chapter
MintIsMeth chapter 32 . 4/6
Would like to say that this is a great plot and you've executed it masterfully!
LordSkaen chapter 32 . 4/3
This story is simply amazing! Please don't ever stop writing!
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