Reviews for In the Midst of the Night
Eagle-Eyes chapter 19 . 10/12/2019
Great story

Keep writing as life allows
SilverRosehp chapter 19 . 1/13/2018
Please update your story soon please I absolutely love it and hope you continue it soon please
Kittens Kat chapter 19 . 10/23/2014
blackshadow111 chapter 19 . 8/9/2012
Well, i was wrong after all. Congrats, you've officially created the most pathetic harry ever. In my humble opinion, that is. I mean, really?
blackshadow111 chapter 3 . 8/9/2012
Um.. I'm not stopping my reading here, but please tell me harry is going to grow a spine soon. The way he's right now, he's even more disgusting than canon, and that's saying something
Larisya chapter 5 . 6/20/2012
Oh. My. I must stop reading emotionally taxing tales.
Larisya chapter 3 . 6/20/2012
I thought he was seven? Did I miss a "four years later" or do children get their wand that young? And I can understand his justifiable fear of the 'wooden sticks.'
Dandilion Head chapter 19 . 7/5/2011
Gawd, this is mindblowin! I love your characters and how you weave them into the story! It's great!
Reader-anonymous-writer chapter 19 . 6/23/2011
I have read it once before,

Now I have read it once more,

I still like convoluted plot,

Despite remembering somewhat,

What lies ahead of a chapter,

I don't skip a single paragraph,

It is not a mindless chatter,

Even if you are mad as a hatter,

To combine Necromancy matter,

With vicious battle of wills,

Of evil and selfless twins,

With prophetic Harry's dreams,

With growing Harry's abilities,

With Harry having Tom's memories.

Good day, good night, good luck.

You will need fortune as back up.
FireSenshi2 chapter 19 . 2/9/2011
I very much enjoyed your story! My fingers are crossed that you might decide to take it up again! :)
Sierra chapter 5 . 1/21/2011
kitty chapter 19 . 11/27/2010
a good story. a shame its been abandoned. after 6 years of no updates I guess I can safely say it will never be finished. :(
HarrisonxPotterxox chapter 19 . 7/24/2010
You completely messed my opinion. You did.

At first you engaged me completely and, although Severus was Ooc (but not overly so), I looked forward to seeing his interaction with Harry. But their interaction was muted. There wasn't enough of it. Then Draco came into the picture too soon and I found myself wondering why he was so disgustingly ignorant. He's what? Seven...eight, I believe, and yet he knows nothing of the famous Harry Potter or Death Eaters? And from what I know (I know a lot), seven year olds don't trip-over and mispronounce words such as 'because' and 'professor'; let alone eight year olds.

And Narcissa is a caring mother. She was in the books so why not in your fic? It doesn't make sense and really just adds in unnecessary angst and drama. Also, Draco wouldn't be as childish and unaware if both his parents were the cold, traditional purebloods you portray them to be. So his overall character doesn't make sense- Especially when you made him doubt his parents...mudbloods not being filthy, werewolves being goo, etc. That information would have been drilled into his mind at a young age so he shouldn't be contradicting it all just because his mother sneered at Remus.

The Notts, Jonas and his brother, the vampires, the shadows and Lucius were too much too soon, as well. I hadn't gotten a firm grasp on Harry's life with Severus because you didn't go into depth with it enough, and then sudden you add in all these other characters which really messed it up to the point of no return. You hadn't built a solid foundation of Harry's character or Severus' and then you suddenly chuck all these extra characters in? Not good.

And then Harry gets knocked out for an indeterminable amount of time? I barely tolerated the fact that you were constantly switching back and forth between different character P. but when Harry was thrown out of the picture I realized that I could take no more. This is a HARRY POTTER fic with the main character being HARRY POTTER, and yet all this shit is going on and Harry acts more like a side-character witnessing it all instead of being in the middle of it! WHAT THE HELL!

I understand that you haven't updated this in a number of years but I still had to voice my opinion. And now that I have, I bid you farewell.

P.s - didn't proofread because I don't care enough to properly 'critique' this drivel you call a story.
rainieForest chapter 19 . 4/10/2010
oh on poor aden, harry, and severus! omg this story is interesting! plz update!
SnapeAngel chapter 19 . 10/14/2009
damn, poor sev
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