Reviews for Adrift in Time
tabjoy13 chapter 3 . 4/5/2019
"How could I have dodged so poorly?" That made me giggle, and it really shouldn't. This is a serious subject!
BloodRedJay chapter 3 . 4/5/2019
Oh fudge. It’s coming now, lol. So glad you updated, and such a long chapter too! It’s great! I hope you update again soon and don’t fall into the fit of Team Minato time travel fics that always seem to stop at chapter 3, on a cliffie. Anyway, love it~
WillowingBranches chapter 2 . 5/31/2018
I'm loving the sheer nerve you've got to pull this off. Not many people venture into AU territory. Most just rehash cannon with the crossover. I'm working on an AU crossover myself, but I don't think it'll be as good or interesting as this one. I know I shouldn't compare but I can't help myself.

P.S. Did Marcus Flint and Percy Weasley travel to Konoha along with Luna and Miss Prewett? Or did that entire room of wizards and the Blue Pikachu tag along as well? How many wizards are living in Konoha currently? Has Danzo or Orochimaru done anything to them? Is the Blue Pikachu still alive? How did the Wizarding World react to the Wizards' disappearances?
Maplemare chapter 1 . 5/20/2018
the first chapter is quite messy and confusing but this story has a lot of potentiallooking forward to next chap
BloodRedJay chapter 1 . 4/30/2018
Can’t wait for another update! And I second ‘Rajani-the-Freak’’s question: Which Kakashi is gonna be paired with Luna? Anyway, love this.
Rajani-the-Freak chapter 1 . 4/16/2018
I definitely want to see more of this! also, for the sake of clarification... which of the Kakashis will be shipped with Luna? Kakashi or Kakachibi (could totaly make Naruto call him that too XD)? I'm just wondering if you'll have a young Luna go around the place or a grown up one.
LPWomer chapter 1 . 4/9/2018
This is so good!~
Sona14 chapter 1 . 4/4/2018
ok, I'm confused.
so it is a Crossover with Harry Potter AND a time-travel-in-the-future thing with usually dead people but some have duplicates from different times?
that is a lot. I'm intrested how you will make the KakashixLuna-thing work.
It is a bit confusing so far but it has the potential to become great.
I'll follow it for now, please keep the good work up, the idea is very original
greetings , Sona
greenespeon1995 chapter 1 . 3/30/2018