Reviews for Codename: Songbird
Shiranai Gremory chapter 4 . 6/20
It turns out that Takumi actually existed in the canon but is deceased, even though he is your OC, which at the time I didn't know he was your OC so I did some research and that is what I found out, other than that there really isn't anything else known about other than he is deceased.
Blackbelt219 chapter 2 . 3/1
I like the story so far. Only thing I think is weird is calling his father a bastard in public.
deathreapsonce chapter 1 . 4/25/2019
To be fair the Sun arcana is easily the most missable confidant. Tower requires Rank 5 Guts so it's pretty forgivable to miss that.
Guestspirit chapter 48 . 4/15/2019
Who won the Xiaolin Showdown? Takumi or Futaba?
C. Rinkuki Takato chapter 34 . 3/18/2019
I still don't get why Takumi told Ren to stay with him and not Kanami...
Cure Crystal chapter 37 . 10/3/2018
That leave at 2:30 line I get it SAO Abridged
alwynonlinereading chapter 51 . 9/8/2018
So what happens next
RosyMiranto18 chapter 51 . 6/11/2018
So this is it, the last chapter for now. It's so sad when you had to stop, but i know it's completely necessary. Still, i will wait for that special chapter, okay?Out of all the options you mentioned, i am interested with RWBY the most, but i doubt this one will be happening soon. Still, that poll idea is a great one, so please make one after this.

1a. Because Takumi, your pitch is good if you can beat the sound of the rain. Still, Kanami's reasoning is also a good one too.
b. Ehm, we all know that Kitten is for Ann, right? And Takumi's animal motif is of course, a songbird.
c. Yeah, damaging one's vocal cord is a very bad thing. It's practically a career-ending injury for musicians.
d. Wait- what? Kanami, i don't remember Kanamin Kitchen is mentioned on the Shuujin Stride Team's uniform.
e. Takumi crossdressing, eh? Kanami you're such a manipulative cow.
2a. Auw... Mitsu and the Velvet Twins are going to a museum together. That's quite cute.
b. *sweatdrop* Er... comic and manga, really, Caroline?
c. True... you can't just jump into a certain parts, you had to read it from the first one... chronologically. That is the unwritten rule of literature, Caroline.
d. Now we are comparing the Phantom Thieves and Batman. That's quite disturbing when i think about it.
e. Er... i think the best first lierature they should read is history books, not comic and manga.
f. Still, does that mean there will be a TakumiXLavenza alternate chapter too?
3a. Yeah, you're right Konan. Then again, both Kamoshida and Madarame also doing many acrocities behine everyone but their victim's back and no one bats an eye on it.
b. Wow, Takumi, have you consider to really have a career in the detecive world, if you can't be an actor at all?
c. Wait, a patrol car? I didn't you you have one. I was expecting you to take takumi in THAT car.
4a. I know you are a con artist, but i didn't expect your place to be this luxurious nor you can afford this.
b. So... Izumi is a tsundere in her alternate chapter, is that right?c. Eesh, i didn't know Mitsu was into blackjack. How well does she play?
d. Kh... ouch, i didn't know that Ichiya was that kind to Izumi. That will surely brings conflict in the chapters to come.
e. Yeah, Geography Now once said that Japan and France are the epitom of exoticness in their side of the world.
f. Hm... i wonder if you will find that French daughter someday in the end, Izumi. That and Ichiya made me feel guilty to you now.
5a. Oh, hey, Kawakami. I take it that you just finished with your maid work.
b. Wait, are you implying that Izumi will also join the Phantom Thieves later?
6a. Wait, why did after Takumi's conversation with Konan the date jumped back from 29th to 20th. Izumi's scene is supposed to be on 30th while Rei's supposed to be on 31st.
b. Wait, Japan uses Celcius, not Farenheit. Only the US and its associated states, Bahamas, Belize, and Cayman Islands use Farenheit.
c. Oh, come on, Ann. I had to go through the same temperature on practically every day.
d. Ahahahahaha, that Hanzou's line for a ringtone. GG Futaba.
7a. Damn, four consecutive winds? Rei, maybe you could be the Gourmet Queen... or maybe Ice Cream Queen. Let's see if you can beat Suemitsu Nozomi, okay?
b. Oh, i didn't know you know German. Good for you, Takumi.
c. Don't worry, i don't think i like mint ice cream either.
d. I surprised that this ice cream didn't melt during the whole contest, ehehehehehe...
e. Oh, so in this story, Ann is a Half-Finnish, a Quarter-Japanese, and a Quarter-American. Is that right?
f. Hm... there's so many sacrifice here. I am starting to see you more as a Hanged Man rather than a Death, Rei.
g. Ouch, damn you Mina. Now Ann is going to buy some vampire outfits.

Well, i guess that's everything for now, and i am running out of words here, so see you later someday and keep update.
Koa Eton Anatole chapter 51 . 6/11/2018
Guess I was wrong, you introduced Rei Shirozaki before you put it on hiatus, Dragon-san. You did really awesome in how Takumi-kun meet, interact, had ice-cream, exchange contact info and establish the final social link with Rei-chan in the Vampire cafe and with the rest of the other social link people. See you next time, !
RosyMiranto18 chapter 50 . 6/9/2018
So this is it, the 50th chapter. It’s sad to see the end of our happiness for now. Though I feel bad at your computer since you told me over on Laptop. I can already see your struggles from the first typo literally on the 14th word. Oh well, let’s see what I think of the chapter I’m looking forward to, shall we?

1a. Hm… I think you choose a wrong word here. Since this house is technically owned by Erica, it should be called Billerica Residence or Erica’s Music Emporium (if the house is on the top of the emporium) instead of Takumi’s house.
b. Damn, Death Sentence, that’s quite unexpected for me. Though maybe one of them will have an earlier on, mwahahahahahahaha…
c. Still, in the end they will be dead regardless. If that’s the case, would you rather kill their Shadow or seeing them having bad sentences? Though I know this is a stupid question.
2a. So… Rise’s Lemon Alternate Chapter is confirmed? ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡)
b. So... did you considering to give a name to the studio, preferably something kitchen-related, like… Hell’s Kitchen? ;)
c. Wow, back in P4, you said you didn’t like learning English, Rise. But now you are going Spanish and French too? What’s the secret?
d. *sweatdrop* Why did you had to mention Mitsu at that song, Takumi? Be glad that she’s not here too.
e. Wait, that reminds me. Rise, Kanami, why did you worked at J&A now? What happened to Takura Productions? If it still exists, you can always go back there, right?
3a. So the prelims is going through the Inokashira Park, including the Zoo? It will be interesting if someone attempts to take a shortcut via jumping through lion’s den for example.
b. Wow, Ann, GG on your acting, it improved a lot. Though I hope that it will has more practical effects on the Palaces later.
4a. Auw… Chibi Ruby, cute.
b. Le Coeur de la Mere… the Heart of the Mother… I wonder if it is based on your real-life experience, Nicholas?
c. Still, I guess the Hanged Man part of his will be on between writings and drawing mangas. These two are hard choices, yet both are necessary. Interesting…
d. Wut? Fanfiction? Fanfiction of Phantom Thieves in a Persona Fanfiction? Are we breaking the fourth wall now?
e. Kousei, eh? I wonder if Nicholas is friendly with Yuusuke and Hifumi?
5a. Fatal fire, eh? I know it sounds cliché for me, since some of my OCs lost their parents because of fire, but it’s still tragic regardless.
b. I’m pretty sure that this clothing store owner might be the changed heart of the confidant, in this case it’s Marry’s.
c. Marry, I know Takumi’s your employee, but giving him a payment equal to yours is too much. You’re being too modest, especially at a person who doesn’t need/want anymore money. Still, giving an employee an equal salary with yours can be seen as how much you insist on something. That’s what I remembered from Mitsunari’s Story in SW 4-II.
6a. Ahahaha, which one is more interesting for you, Iwai, Ren or Takumi?
b. Oh, crap, don’t tell me you have a crush on Aoi too, Takumi? Eh? Eh?
c. Hm… Karma, eh? I wonder how she reacts to it?
d. Wut? Ren tossed the catalog by accident? I guess Takumi will have a talk with him soon.
e. The last words bothers me. It’s supposed to be “Aoi *a*e*a, but call me Blue Rose instead.”, unless if it is a spoiler that will be revealed later in her Confidant.
7. So… according to ReallyLazyReader, the Death Representative is called Shirozaki Rei. I see.

Oh well, I guess that’s everything for this chapter. See you later and Keep Update!
P.S.: More Kanjis:
Aobara Aoi: 青薔薇 葵
Aobara means, no surprise, Blue Rose. Aoi means Hollyhock, which pattern presents on her sash.
Shirozaki Rei: 白﨑零
Shirozaki means White Peninsula, but this Zaki is the one less common. Rei means Zero.
Koa Eton Anatole chapter 50 . 6/9/2018
So does this mean you're going to introduce Rei Shirozaki after the hiatus, Dragon-san?
ReallyLazyReader chapter 49 . 6/7/2018
Nice reference to Persona 2. Don't burn yourself out with this fic, best take a break to refill those creative juices.
Yukiko is Takumi's confidant... wait didn't you say in an early chapter that every girl in Takumi's confidants except for Erica and Mitsuhide will be a romance option? What will happen between her and Alex?
RosyMiranto18 chapter 49 . 6/6/2018
Yeah, Persona is an amazing franchise, and I don’t want you to completely burnt out of it either. Hiatus can give you more time to planned things out in the future better, just please don’t refuse any help whenever you need it, okay? Especially with this stressful weeks of dark period of yours.
Wait, who says there’s no story for Overwatch? There’s 3417 stories here in Fanfiction. Yeah, even if you are hard to admit it, high school is one of the best time in your life, but once you ascend into the adulthood, there’s no turning back.
And the final chapters will be a double-post on Saturday/Sunday, that’s great. So far the only ones I had an interest on is the RWBY and also Tokyo Xanadu which you didn’t mention at all. As I said before, you can ask me for help if you struggle in anything about these two stories. And hm… your birthday is on the 20th, eh? *cough*F620*cough* That’s nice, since I’m turning twenty at two days before it. Anyway, without further ado…

1. So Miura in Kanagawa Prefecture is about 73 kilometers from Shibuya, eh? Hmhm, that’s quite long. Still, I thought the trial happens in the beach instead of the city itself.
2a. Oh, the uniform looks nice, but it has a surprising lack of red in there, even as accents and trims (no, sponsorship colors are not counted). Also, what is CherryMizu, and what parody is it?
b. You know, from my experience, shorts are better for me. Even if it’s a track pants, it rubbed off against my thights a lot and it made my thights got overheated and making me uncomfortable to run.
3. Hey, an official club is a good idea. It can provide a good front to the Phantom Thieves… at least until there are more members than the Phantom Thieves members, ehehehehehe…
4. Charthreuse, the same one with the French Liquor. I wouldn’t be surprised that Kashou is an Alcoholic Bastard. Still, can we change his heart if beating his team in the End of Summer fails to do so?
5. Akira’s Confidant is finished too, yay! Although, is Takumi’s confidant from Ren’s perspective has already been finished or not?
6a. Wait, Hokkaido to Tokyo and everything in between? If you phrase it like that, where’s Osaka and the western cities? It should be “From Hokkaido to Okinawa, and everything in between, especially the Nearby Tokyo.”
b. To be honest, I was hoping for Gekkoukan or Tonbou-Giri in Toyokawa to be mentioned here, since they are quite large schools, but oh well…
c. Oh, so you are a former secretary, Ayumi, probably in your Junior High School? I didn’t know that. Are you interested to become one in Shuujin later?
d. You know, usually the announcer is referring the contestants with their surnames instead of their given names, so… why’s that?
e. Oh, the Warped Wall, you know how much I loved the SASUKE reference. Oh well, there’s no Tackle before it.
7a. So Takumi, what do you mean by that? Is it Thug Life or literally smoking weed? *smirk*
b. Yeep, no matter what happens, Kotone never changes.
8a. Sighs... you know, some fanworks potrays Yousuke having a… not too well reaction of him and Morgana sharing Arcanas. Let’s see what his reaction is in this story someday.
b. Er… you got the facts wrong, Nanako is only seven by the time of December 3rd, 2011. She was born in October 4th, 2004 (Yes, that date)
c. Benders of Fire, eh? Don’t tell me you had to make some “Everything Changed When The Fire Nation Attacked” references later.
d. Are you sure that it’s the best sandcastle in the world, Futaba? Is the scale of the castle being 1:1. Anyway, if you want it to be actually the best, try make a 1:1 Sandcastle of Neuschwanstein Castle.
e. I hope Futaba will not fight like Kokonoe from BlazBlue. Even if it is a more realistic of that, it’s still very OP, or maybe even broken.

Well, I the only things that is left are Hanged Man, Death, and Adjustment. Let’s see if all of them are revealed in the next, probably final update. I guess that’s everything for now. Keep Update!
RosyMiranto18 chapter 48 . 6/1/2018
Ugh... my head... is dizzy... because of thinking over kanjis for those Tokyo Xanadu characters. Especially Airi, Polish Surname is the worst of all, ugh... anyway, let's start with what you say.
First, maybe you should start to learn to edit chapters offline with Micosoft Word and so on. Google Document might be better, but it's useless without the Internet.
Second, you know i feel guilty for not being able to help you with the Tokyo Xanadu stuff over this weak because of this. I'll try to compensate it, okay? However, i just recently found a new story by LazuriLuxCaelum/Azura de Martel over AO3. I think that story is either a spin-off or interquel of his Persona Story, "Take Your Hearts", where the protagonist, Toodou Isamu, the niece of P1's Toodou Naoya got somehow taken into an Eclipse after Yaldabaoth erases the Phantom Thieves' existence in the Day of Reckoning. It's currently only one chapter with a probably sparse update, but i hope this piece of information can help you even by little.

Okay, let's move on to the prooer review now.
1. Wait, since when Erica on the beach? i didn't see her previously.
2. Damn, talking about a bad luck, takinga wrong train and had to take another school is sich a massive error. Still, if it isn't for that, you would never meet Yukiko anyway. So i can say a blessing in disguise instead. Though are/were you still on Suginami?
3. Gr... can we change the heart of that tanned blond right now? I'm so angry right now.
4. Ehm, is this a sign for YuusukeXRise ship tease?5. So... Takumi is going softer at Kotone now? But i'm still leaning towards Haru anyway.
6. Oh, the preeleminary round is on Shinjuku, eh? That is interesting.
7. Hm... let's just hope that Yuusuke can actually make these lobsters his pet. If he can't, then... enjoy your dinner, Futaba.
8. Makoto is starting to get suspicious, yet she doesn't completeky figuring it out yet.
9. Savage, Rise... Savage. GG.
10. You know, i was surprised that no one trying to suggest Navi, since it's her codename in the Japanese Version.

Well, i guess that's everything for now. Just take your time to reply all of this, including some Tokyo Xanadu stuff if you need it and Keep Update!

P.S.: I have some things to send to you, but i will send it once you reply to this review.
P.P.S.: Speaking of reply, don't forget to reply the delayed one for chapter 46-47.
TheCarlosInferno chapter 48 . 6/1/2018
Have you ever thougght that you start to many projects that are left with no conclusion after a time?
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