Reviews for An Hour of Wolves
bisexualrrosa chapter 11 . 7/19
Holy crap this chapter was so good! I intentionally waited a bit to read this chapter bc i knew i had to be in the right mindset to read it, but damn you just really /get/ Harry’s, Ron’s, Hermione’s, and basically everyone’s characterizations - it’s so on point! I’m glad that Ron and Hermione are in the know and helping him now - it’s such a relief, though clearly it’s still gonna be a struggle for him to recover. You are such a good writer and you seem to really put a lot of thought into the subject matter and how each character handles the situation so that everything just /works/ as if it were in the original series (despite the mature content). I’m sorry for the rambling, but I really hope you continue this story, and I cannot wait for the next update!
anustart69 chapter 11 . 7/1
Ive been reading fan fiction for a good 10 years, whether it be Harry Potter or not, and Ive never felt the urge to review a piece until now. I found this story so incredibly well written. I feel like most fanfics try so hard to make the characters seem canon and try to get their writing to sound like JK Rowling and its always a bit off or forced, but your writing is incredible and makes it seem like I'm genuinely reading Harry Potter. Also, you have done such a good job with writing about sexual assault and the effects of it. As a high schooler, I dealt with depression and anorexia and I feel like you really did it justice. Thank you for writing this. I hope you update soon! I've read this 6 times and am looking forward to Lupin visiting and Harrys detention with Mcgonagall! Cheers!
LolaJ2 chapter 11 . 6/21
I devoured this.
It crawls by at such a perfectly delectable pace.
I say this as someone who has not experienced this kind of abuse, but has been through an eating disorder, please correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think that mental illness could be captured any better. It doesn't matter that I didn't relate to the main issue: there was this spiral that perfectly captured the essence. Somehow, you managed to even write the sense of depersonalize- the horrible haze- that accompanies eating disorders.
It's realistic. So realistic that I cried. It isn't over dramatic, it doesn't act like everything can be snapped into place at once. I think that one of the most hard hitting concepts was his friend's knowledge and ability to do nothing. It's jarring. I'm begging them continuously to do something, to stop him. The teachers who all know and can only watch, the little bits and pieces: the trolls and the guards, the "fool". But, in real life, when you watch someone destroy themselves, there is sometimes nothing you can do.
God. I could write thousands of words about how this made me feel. I could write you an essay. But I am sure that would not be beneficiary for either of us. The four odd hours I spent reading this seemed to gush by. I would spend half the time reading and the other checking that I wasn't too close to the end of the chapter, lest I must start another- bring myself closer to the eventual end. I counted down the paragraphs, at the end. Knowing that it would end and not wanting to bring myself to it.
Your writing style is captivating. Not convoluted and excessive prose, but able to weave a heartbreaking tale.
I want to see this end. I need to see Harry recover. I beg of you, please write more. I have never once followed a story, chapter by chapter, but I would this one. I add you to that funny little alerts thing with hope that this isn't where it ends. It would be heartbreaking.
Okay, I am really done now. Fuck, what a bloody masterpiece. I hope that one day I can write this well. Screw it, tell a story this well. Shit. Done. Yes. Going. Thank you.
Crossoverfan56138 chapter 11 . 6/20
This story is a wonderful masterpiece. The idea is original and unique in a way that it’s easy to believe this could have happened exactly like this in canon had some things been different. It was easy to get lost in your story, easier than in most of the other stories I’ve read. Thank you for writing something so pure and touching. I really can’t wait for an update.
Clary.Smith chapter 11 . 6/19
I felt like I was Harry and was completely absorbed in the story in this world. This story is awesome! Please continue it soon
Ltheslytherin chapter 11 . 6/19
This is the most well written story I have ever read. Seriously, this is better than actual books. I love it, it’s extremely enjoyable to read and all the characters remain in character. You are very talented and have a unique writing style (the way it flows so easily and realistically) can’t wait to read more.
Dalamanza chapter 11 . 5/25
I can't usually get into stories this amgsty, but this fic is incredible. You've handled the subject matter very sensitivly, and done an amazing job of capturing Harry's mental state. I'm confused about the ribs, though. Since he has numbed the pain, but not healed them, they have presumably been getting worse - particularly from doing sit ups. It seems unlikely that he hasn't accidentally punctured a lung or something. I'm sure you have it all in hand though!
dork ass chapter 11 . 5/24
GinIsBetterThanFirewhiskey chapter 11 . 5/14
Ahhhhhh It was perfect. My heart is still too broken for both Harry and Ginny and Ron and Hermione and omg. It's so good. You write it so well. And you write the characters so well too. You're so talented. Aahhhh. Hedwig xx
WoonilRazlib chapter 11 . 5/13
Oh my gosh I have been eagerly awaiting an update and I’m so happy it’s here! This story is so amazing and heartbreaking - your writing and dialogue are all perfect I can’t wait for the next update. Thank you for everything!
Guest chapter 11 . 5/13
Thank you so much for the update. I have read your fanfiction now several times. Your writing is incredibly good and reminds me a lot of JKR's writing. But what I like the most is that you write the characters exactly like they were in the real HP-books. You write as realistic as you can. You just changed one single event that had major consequences and I absolutely love that. Your whole story is so thrilling. I find it really interesting to see how it goes, how Harry goes and his friends. The scene I read most often is the one with Harry finally opening up to his friends. I am very curious if there will be another scene like that where he opens up to Dumbledore, Ginny, Lupin or Hagrid. However there hasn't been a book or a fanfiction that grabbed me like this one for a very long time. Please keep on writing. You are so talented. I would do a lot just to know how it goes on.
Kika200 chapter 11 . 5/13
Can't wait for a update I'm constantly checking through the day aha your writings so good and full of depth!
Shian1998 chapter 11 . 5/13
Another excellent chapter! Happy to see this update. Well worth the wait. :)

Loved the section with Ron's POV at the beginning, when he reflected on what had happened and how serious the subject truly is. Good that he got Harry to stop overdoing it with the running. Loved that he and Hermione were trying to get Harry to start eating more, and happy that Harry made some progress. Also loved how his friends helped him catch up with his homework.

Really hated Malfoy in that scene. While I have some amount of sympathy for the canon Draco in the last couple books, this version is definitely more evil. Hope that he'll be stopped sooner or later. Glad Dumbledore talked to Harry in the aftermath, and that he said Remus will be visiting. Really hope that they, and McGonagall during the detention, find out the truth of what's going on with Harry and help him. Hope Harry will be okay during the detention.

Hate Romilda even more now, since it's clear she's gossiping about what she did. Really hope anyone who has learned about that night end up realising it was rape and turn against her.

Loved the moment Harry had with Ginny at the end. Hope she is starting to realise that he does have feelings for her. Glad he knows that she'd definitely understand his situation. Really wish he'd told her about Romilda then, and hoping he does so next chapter.

Excellent chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
messyanxiousthoughts chapter 11 . 5/12
yayyyyyy, thank you for writing another chapter! please keep updating, i’m dying to know how this will go! stay safe and stay well, keep writing!
Harryhollic2018 chapter 11 . 5/12
I am so glad for an update of this wonderful story. Your writing is so full of feeling, it’s almost like we readers are feeling what the characters are. Definitely an emotional roller coaster, but so worth it.
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