Reviews for That's what friends are for
MariaBelikova chapter 30 . 5/20
I've just binge read this story and omg it's amazing! You got the characters so right and the writing was really good! I really really enjoyed it thank you!
TheLittleSubmissive chapter 30 . 1/13
I just read this entire story in less than a day. Literally an emotional roller coaster but amazing nonetheless! I loved the way Rose and Dimitri sorted everything out and how supportive her friends were throughout the story. You're an amazing author, keep it up :)
beapleites chapter 30 . 1/6
Thank you for this story! You managed the characters humor amazingly, better than any other writer here, so I congratulate you!
beapleites chapter 22 . 1/6
Here's just one thought: Tasha didn't murder the queen to get rid of Rose, She framed Rose because it was convenient. That's why thinking about Tasha going crazy because Rose is with Dimitri is not so... right. Yes, she's a tenacious woman who is willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants (even if it's unhealthy in itself).
beapleites chapter 21 . 1/6
That was sweet!
beapleites chapter 19 . 1/6
Oh, but it was sweet. I love the fact that we're reading from Ds perspective
beapleites chapter 17 . 1/6
Ok, I understand now the need to have Stan as the bad guy; I just wish I was able to read a story where Tasha is not ugly and stupid (because she was not, she was likable and all) and Stan not an ass (because of the reasons I mentioned in a comment before).
By the way, I'm really liking your story, thank you so much!
beapleites chapter 16 . 1/6
Stan loved Rose and I'm not being sarcastic here. You just have to read through it in the books; he knows she has potential and tries his best to push her to become better, stronger. This is demonstrated when Lionel, if I'm not mistaken, gives Rose her tattoos and Stan comes to sort of congratulate her. He might be boring and verbally abusive (haha), but that is just the kind of relationship Rose built with Stan.
beapleites chapter 15 . 1/6
I enjoy reading Rose and Chris, they're both hilarious.
beapleites chapter 12 . 1/6
Way to go, Rose!
beapleites chapter 4 . 1/5
I'm glad they won't be convicts
Guest chapter 30 . 7/30/2019
Completely AMAZING! I loved every moment of it! Thank you SO much for writing it.
Up to the sky chapter 30 . 7/5/2019
Well I know this story has been finished for a while now, but I don’t care I need to say how fantastic it is, really it’s very well written and the plot is great. I definitely think you made an amazing job with this one.
memepotter952504 chapter 30 . 1/12/2019
russia2774 chapter 30 . 12/17/2018
loved it so much
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