Reviews for Sneak Peek!
evanonymous chapter 2 . 8/21
Just gonna say this now; Bakugou has NEVER matured throughout the series. The ONLY reason he has any form of "respect" for Midoriya is because he gained a quirk powerful enough to challenge him. He is still as vain, shitty, and all around awful as he always was. God forbid the series actually introduces another quirkless character; because he would likely treat them with as much concern as he did Izuku. ESPECIALLY now that he knows the only reason Izuku could face him is because of the fact that he received All Might's quirk. He's a fucking villain that pats himself on the back by disguising his actions as heroic.
DamnfanficWriter chapter 4 . 7/28
this is really good, i hope you update soon!
I'mOnMyBreak chapter 4 . 7/27
Ahh! This is the best watching the show fanfic I've ever read! Yayyy! I've been looking for something like this and I can't wait for the sports festival and bakugo and midoriya's fight outside of the dorms; I'm so excited for everyone's reactions!

Please, please, pleaaasssee finish this story!

If my favourite one was to have all four seasons, beautifully written like these last few chapters, my life would be complete.

This is truly amazing! I can't wait for the next chapter 3
SmallMight21 chapter 4 . 6/14
Yo I just found your story and I gotta say I’m in love! I can’t wait till you update!
japanloveroffood chapter 4 . 6/5
Yay it’s going to continue! I can’t wait for it! Do your best Plus Ultra!
Guest chapter 4 . 5/18
I hope it's soon. I miss this
Guest chapter 2 . 5/10
Bakago has never faced the consequences of his actions. They are ignored, if they are ever brought to focus. The reason is because, Horikoshi thinks that he is a 'Rival' to Midoriya to make Izuku 'more', so all the physical/mental assaults are 'ok'. Bakago should have been arrested, for ILLEGAL quirk use, assault, and domestic terrorism; all the way back in grade school, in accordance to the LAW.
And to believe that he is 'redeeming' himself, later on, is an affront to those that have been abused, and their abusers got away with their actions.
If you put a drop of red paint in a bucket of white paint, and stir it, you can never remove the red paint and make it what it was to start with.
Reverseflash chapter 4 . 5/10
Oh my god they live also a LOL some of the most hectic times in this century and it’s “calmed down” I wonder what’s been going on before that regardless it’s good to see you okay and well and even better to see this fic brought back to life
Rayyan87tehee chapter 4 . 5/10
glad to know
GameQ chapter 4 . 5/10
I am glad you are doing well. Happy you are back to writing this fanfic again. There is a lot of fanfics out there like this one but THIS one in particular feels much more better.
Cindar chapter 4 . 5/10
Good luck!
Remember your health and safety is important.
I hope you and yours are safe!
bajy chapter 4 . 5/10
Good to know
Thank you for the update, looking forward to the next chapter
Daniel chapter 3 . 4/27
Im loving this even when its this old. Is there going to be more? I ask because you have managed to take something alot of people do but put your own spin on it.
Rayyan87tehee chapter 3 . 4/21
love it
JUST SET ME ON FIRE chapter 3 . 4/3
yoooo I love these type of fics! I really like how you're going about, good work!
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