Reviews for In Plain Sight
Guest chapter 12 . 5/21
I like that Hermione is herself, a Muggleborn, an intelligent, talented girl. Yet we can also see the changes that her new environment and the people around her are causing.
Voldemort is way more reasonable and has an astonishing amount of patience. He is being surprisingly kind to his followers and opem with Severus. He might not want Severus as an enemy but he has nothing to fear; if Snape tried to betray him, Voldemort could easily dispose of him. He is astoundingly powerful, after all.
I wonder what in Hermione's magic was familiar to Voldemort.
I am surprised Theo is being compared academically to Hermione, as in the books she was the best and brightest of them all, leading purebloods like Malfoy to end up not too happy. Theo is cunning, though. When he talks to Malfoy he uses the Mudblood slur freely when referring to Hermione, but then apologises to Hermione for Malfoy's use of it in order to get into Hermione's (and Snape's) good graces.
I don't especially enjoy Hermione's friendship with the third year Slytherin. On the one hand, he says it is a matter of convenience, on the other hand, he protects her and buys her a personal gift. Also, having her get too many people trying to be friendly with her might make her too popular and boring. Of course, so far she got Slytherin first years, Montague, Harry, Snape and Voldemort being kind to her, so maybe there is still room for some enemies.
nkh1 chapter 12 . 5/3
will Tom ask or provide a heritage test for Hermione? If she is a pure blood or even a half-blood who would her parents be? Or might her parents be from a pure blood line and are non-magical?
pandasarecute chapter 12 . 4/12
I am absolutely in love with this story. This is one of the best dark Gray Hermione introductions. Mentor Tom has me stocked. I'm so excited for the next chapter.
Whitenix chapter 12 . 3/26
Love your work! A breath of fresh air! Please update soon!
EmeraldFire chapter 12 . 2/29
I just refound this story, and have to say, I love it!
Very original, doesn’t feel contrived the way Slytherin Hermione stories can, the characters are interesting and don’t seem overpowered as of yet, and I’m really curious about and loving that relationship brewing between Hermione and Graham, whatever it is! ;-)
Hope you’ll eventually write more of this! Especially now that Tom’s recalibrating with his D.E.’s
decadenceofmysoul chapter 12 . 2/24
Awesome story so far!
Kurojistou chapter 12 . 2/20
Really great concept going in here. Keep up the good work
Guest chapter 12 . 1/28
I looooove it!
One of my favorite fics. Really. And ive read a lot
Thank you so much for writing
It warms my heart when i see toms and hermiones interactions
Thank you
Guest chapter 12 . 1/23
wow intriguing story -love the way you have written each of the characters and I am excited about how the tale will develop- thank you
BellaAmorEterno chapter 12 . 1/22
This is really good!:)
Prismascope chapter 12 . 1/22
Great chapter. I honestly ship hermione and Graham, which is odd because I don't generally go for ocs. It would make a nice change. I hope you're doing well and the house moving is all good!
shatakshee dhoundiyal chapter 12 . 1/22
Hope you can update soon
Cecily Mitchell chapter 12 . 1/17
A healthy dose of respect for intelligent and powerful people never hurt anyone.
lollylips3 chapter 12 . 1/16
Fabulous update!
Guest chapter 12 . 1/12
I've enjoyed your story very much. It's well written and excellently thought out.
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