Reviews for Asgardians In Space
Natalie Rushman chapter 87 . 7/3
Lol! Loved Korg. And the fact that Loki's referencing 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' is the BEST thing X)
Natalie Rushman chapter 86 . 6/30
That was really sweet X) Great way for Thor to work it out so everyone was happy!
Natalie Rushman chapter 85 . 6/25
They're so cute together X) lol. Loki's lucky to have them.
Natalie Rushman chapter 84 . 6/23
Oh I can only imagine what Thor's going to see when he comes in. Yeesh. X]

As always, I think you do a really good job of balancing the ridiculous with the psychologically pertinent. This is really nicely done. I'm excited to see what comes next X)
Natalie Rushman chapter 83 . 6/20
'if only octopuses were real' lol X)
Natalie Rushman chapter 82 . 6/18
This is really sweet X) It's funny to read it so far behind your updates. I usually spend that whole weekend in church - was really bummed out not to this year. Really cool upside being, I discovered a really awesome priest on youtube - so, points!

Anyway, thought this was super sweet, just wanted to let you know.
Natalie Rushman chapter 81 . 6/14
Neat idea with the ceremony! Very visual. And I love how you popped Charlie back in X)
Natalie Rushman chapter 80 . 6/10
This is great X) They're so sweet together. I like the way you explored both sides of their insecurity. They really have a lot they can learn from each other.

The way Thor and those kids barged in was priceless X]
Natalie Rushman chapter 79 . 6/9
This is great X) I love the way you popped in as a character at the beginning. Heimdal's fighting a losing battle though, trying to speak sense to Asgardians - lol. I'd forgotten Sigyn was part of the Nova Corps (however briefly), that was awesome. Them all being hung over afterward and Sigyn being sunglasses made me laugh.

I'm looking forward to whatever you do next! I think you do a fantastic job.
Natalie Rushman chapter 78 . 6/4
Lol! This story is wild X) The random nature of so much of it just makes my day. Every. Single. Time.
Natalie Rushman chapter 77 . 6/2
The biti about the caterpillar and the drink umbrella made me laugh X)
Natalie Rushman chapter 76 . 5/31
"His style of anger is unique to the point of being Bohemian"

-and thus, you have killed me. X] This story is so much fun!
Natalie Rushman chapter 75 . 5/28
Loved the bit about Baby Shark - lol X)

And I'm glad things seem to be working out between Loki and Sigyn. I was a little concerned for a minute there!
Natalie Rushman chapter 74 . 5/26
Lol, at least Loki tried, right? heh. I think you do a fantastic job.
Natalie Rushman chapter 73 . 5/22
Great plan X)
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