Reviews for Ours
tmtcltb chapter 1 . 4/13/2018
Pink-Pencil-Girl303 chapter 1 . 4/12/2018
AAAHHHH I apologize for screaming but this was so beautiful! I am in awe! I have read so few Manara fics where they have a baby (in fact, I can only think of one...) I truly admire the tender and deft way you incorporated Inara's illness, not overshadowing the joy of a child but definitely providing a dark undercurrent throughout. I also loved the little moments and images you describe in passing, but manage to make them shine nonetheless, like Mal rubbing creams into Inara's belly (AH, love) and the ways he says 'I love you' without saying it. My one complaint is that I wish it were longer. :) When I read All Of You I'd hoped desperately that you would write more Manara, so I was thrilled to see you'd posted this. And it certainly did not disappoint. Thank you for writing!