Reviews for Deadeye
KaiTT0 chapter 19 . 2/10
You basically killed the future with this, it didn't reach a stable relationship and it just ended up like in the anime most likely, I mean that with this you already know what happened without anything more interesting from what I see now I understand the origin of the genres that you put for this fic I already said because there was no romance genre if it related to enough girls this said it all in addition ... Occc
EmpireReign chapter 28 . 1/20
update soon! Hachiman really needs a companioin
Alex Focker chapter 30 . 12/24/2019
yay! a Christmas gift from a story!
Wicked.A chapter 30 . 12/24/2019
Wtf an update? Is this a Christmas Miracle?
HamClad chapter 19 . 12/19/2019
Oh, this is when Yui had naturally colored hair and wasn't some pink bubblegum mess? Nice.
HamClad chapter 11 . 12/19/2019
As always, the relationships between. Hikigaya Hachiman and others are complicated, to say in the least.
HamClad chapter 5 . 12/13/2019
Lol, I like how Karma's mini-arc is just summed up in one sentence.
HamClad chapter 4 . 12/13/2019
...or he could have taken online martial arts classes.
HamClad chapter 3 . 12/13/2019
Or excessive video games
HamClad chapter 3 . 12/13/2019
... did he learn self defense by looking at the internet? I really don't understand, sorry.
Fauna Hack chapter 18 . 10/5/2019
Force plot convenient.
wtf wrong with you. u just Force plot ask nobody to u room ?
are u out of mind
Alex Focker chapter 29 . 9/2/2019
Honestly this version of 8man is quite nice to see in AC the cynical Batman in a place where he has to learn assassination in my opinion is badass and awesome, sad that it's going under a rewrite, you have no idea how much sleep I've sacrificed just to finish reading this wonderful story. Here's hoping the rewrite captures the same admiration as this.
Tears of Hearts chapter 29 . 6/28/2019
I really like this fic, but the one thing that I don't like is that Hachiman still has harem chasing him. I hope the next time you rewrite this you can remove the harem. hachiman should just be his God of War on his own.
TeotakuFantasia chapter 29 . 6/25/2019
even though I was curious about the next chapter but if that's the case huh ... okay.
Wicked.A chapter 29 . 6/16/2019
A rewrite huh... well I understand your Reasoning (and even agree when you called hachiman a hypocrite)
guess I wait for the rewrite then...
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