Reviews for Missing Piece
GRIMMtheBITCH'1 chapter 1 . 7/10/2019
I think I'm in love. How did I not find this sooner. This'is every bit of dark and twisted I love about Death Note.
TerraZeal chapter 1 . 10/18/2018
I totally think Light became a Shinigami. I know it's debated, but I'm pretty sure the Shinigami that throws Ryuk an apple and asks for the story of Light in ReLight is Shinigami!Light. He's wearing Light's clothes, limping like Light was after being shot, and using Light's school tie as a headband. He also seems to terrify even the other Shinigami, the lazy ones who sit around gambling.
oompadearest chapter 1 . 9/4/2018
This story is super good! I loved the pacing- it made me feel like everything was happening while I read it. The characters are very dynamic! And this idea is super cool! Thanks for writing this!
reauvafs chapter 1 . 6/24/2018
Honestly I still don't really know what exactly Ryuk did told Near. Perhaps Light has become a shinigami? Or just like what Near thought, Ryuk became too attached with Light to the point of avenge his death?
I love the way you portrayed Near's conversation with Light. Even if he denied his-supposed-subconscius mind, he still let his own mind to hear (and swallow) that word.
The way you write something in '()' is good! It makes me understand more with the story. And of course the narration is so amazingly written.

Thank you, thank you for writing this fic.
KellerWeller chapter 1 . 4/13/2018
brilliant work.