Reviews for Redemption
Gmoney chapter 8 . 8/31
U have talent dude, this story is enjoyable! U neeeeed to finish that last chapter!
Ninjago Person chapter 9 . 8/29
You are an amazing author. Your writing skills are litterally amazing. It's definitely okay to stop writing, it's your choice. Just wanna say that you should seriously get famous for your writing skills. Stay awesome!
Kit chapter 9 . 8/20
PLEASE don’t stop! I can’t take it anymore! Forget what everyone said! I have this problem a LOT but that didn’t stop me for giving joy to those who love it! I will pray for you to be able to bypass (?) those **** and take pride In Yourself! I’m PROUD to call you the writer for this story and PROUD to see what you have written. It has inspired my writing in ways you won’t ever know. Please don’t stop. If you do, I completely understand and I hope you understand that no matter the situation (good or bad) good ALWAYS comes out of it. You might not see it for a little while but it always shows it’s self. If you don’t continue it, a LEAST send it to me! Please let me know on my Scratch account Wolfadeer123 your choice and we can find out how you can send it or something. Don’t feel pressured! But I BEG you
Guest chapter 9 . 7/27
I understand dude, can’t wait to see you come back if you do.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/1
You have another fic after this
So are you back from break?
If so it would be really cool if you finish this soon
lloya4life chapter 9 . 5/14
I may be a Lloya shipper all the way, but this was an amazing story and I noticed that there wasn't a final chapter, so I wrote one myself. I know that it may be plagiarism but I give you full credit. I may or may not have included one of my OCs, and I may or may not have given him a bunch of power, and I may or may not have given Harumi powers, but I think that this will be good.

Lloyd had Harumi in his arms. He was running through an alley trying to get away from Garmadon's fist. He ran into a dead end. When all hope seemed lost, he felt a hand on his arm. The hand pulled him into a room. Lloyd saw a figure standing at the other side of the room. "Who-" Lloyd said before he got cut off with a, "Shush." Garmadon's fist left and the figure motioned for Lloyd to follow him down a hall. They approached a door. The figure opened it and Lloyd followed him inside. The figure turned on the light. The room looked like a normal bedroom. The figure took off his mask. The figure, was a kid! "Hi," said the kid, "She looks like she's in bad shape." "She was thrown into a building," Lloyd replied. "I can heal her," the kid said, "Just set her down on the floor." Lloyd did as he was told. "How can you heal her?" asked Lloyd, "You're just a kid." "Don't judge a kid by his looks," the kid replied. His hair was a mix of colors. Red, purple, and green. His eyes were too different colors. One yellow, and one orange. His pupils were blue. The kid knelt down beside Harumi. He placed his hands on her head. What looked like green light circled around the kid and Harumi. It was pushing everything away from it. Then, suddenly, the light closed in on Harumi and entered her body. Her eyes opened for a brief few seconds, but they weren't jade like normal, they were silver. The kid lifted up his hands. "She should be okay," said the kid. "Who are you?" asked Lloyd in shock. "Aiden," said the kid, "Aiden Cripps, and if you want to stop your father, you need me." "I can't put a kid in danger!" Lloyd exclaimed. "Well you have no problem putting your girlfriend in danger," said Aiden very blankly, "Plus, I'm more powerful than you think." Harumi got up. She opened her eyes. They were still silver. "I'm gonna call you Silver and Gold," said Aiden. "Who are you?" Harumi asked him. "I'm the one who gave you elemental powers," Aiden replied, "Go look in the mirror." She looked in the mirror at her silver eyes. "At the moment," Aiden said, "Lloyd has golden power, and you have silver power. Now let's try beating Garmadon." "First of all," said Harumi, "Who are you, second of all, what is your element, and third of all, I have an elemental power?" "Answer one," said Aiden, "My name is Aiden, answer two, I have no clue, and answer three, now ya do." They all left the room and went out into the streets. Garmadon was having his men mount their guns. Lloyd blinked once and they were all gone. Aiden had all of the guns in his arms. He dropped them in a trash can. The men pulled out their swords. Lloyd blinked again and they were gone. He looked at a trash can and saw them all inside. Aiden gave him a thumbs up. "Look!" whispered Harumi, "They have knives!" Lloyd blinked again and the knives were beside him. "I'm just not even gonna ask," said Lloyd. "Good decision," Aiden replied. They moved closer to the execution line then Garmadon activated his powers. Aiden jumped up and was gone. He reappeared in front of Garmadon, knocked him to the ground and teleported back to Lloyd and Harumi. "You need me," Aiden told Lloyd. "Okay," Lloyd admitted, "We need you." Garmadon turned their way and started walking. Aiden grabbed Lloyd and Harumi's arms and teleported away. Lloyd went and attacked his father. Aiden created a key out of thin air and gave it to Harumi. "Use this to let people out of the chains," he told her, "I'll use my powers." Aiden walked up to Nya. "Hi there," he said, "I'm a good guy so I'ma getcha out of these chains okay." "Okay?" Nya replied. "Zap," Aiden said. A blast went out of his finger and unlocked the chains. He did the same when he came across Skylor, PIXAL, and Ronin. The last person in line was Dareth. "Alright," Aiden told him, "I'm a good guy so I'll get you out of here, Brown-Ninja." Aiden burst out laughing so hard that his power went out in a surge, knocking all of Garmadon's fist down, including Garmadon himself. "Ok," said Aiden. He zapped the chains and they were broken. Dareth ran off into the city. Nya, Skylor, PIXAL, and Ronin stood and fought with Lloyd, Harumi, and Aiden. Ronin grabbed a shotgun, Nya readied her water powers, PIXAL hopped in her Samurai X mech, and Skylor used her fire element to get ready for Battle. Lloyd summoned two spheres of golden power, Harumi summoned two spheres of silver power, and Aiden just straight up went into boss mode. His eyes were glowing. His hair floating in every direction. His hands lit up with the power of the infinity stones. This was everyone else's reaction, "..." That. Everybody blasted Garmadon with everything they had. Garmadon fell to the ground unconscious. He eventually got up and ran up to his throne on top of Borg Tower. Aiden floated up after him, Lloyd summoned his golden dragon and Harumi hopped on with him. The three got to the top to find Garmadon standing there laughing, fists glowing with purple fire. He blasted Harumi off the tower. She was falling to the ground. "LLOYD!" Aiden shouted, "DEFEAT HIM, I'LL GET HER!" And with that , Aiden jumped after Harumi. He teleported closer to her. He grabbed her and floated safely to the ground. He set her down and watched as Lloyd and his father battled. Lloyd was about to fall off the tower, when a portal opened next to the tower. A huge dragon flew through, followed by four small dragons. Lloyd saw a figure in golden armor riding the big dragon, and saw Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane riding the smaller ones. The big dragon let the man off on the tower. He took off his helmet to reveal himself as Wu, but he was a young man now. Not a baby. Wu helped Lloyd get up. Then they tag teamed Garmadon. He very easily threw them off. The dragon caught Wu and Lloyd before they hit the ground. Harumi stopped Kai and asked him for a lift up to the tower. "Who are you?" Kai asked her. "Princess Harumi," she said as she jumped onto the top of the tower. She was now alone with Garmadon. He powered up and attacked her. Harumi dodged him and found it very effective. It's the fight that fuels him, she thought, If I keep this up, I can defeat him. "I cannot fight you," she said, "But I can resist you." Garmadon got angry. He charged at the white haired girl. Harumi took off her ninja mask. "I cannot fight you," she said again, "But I can resist you." "STOP SAYING THAT!" screamed Garmadon, clearly very angry. "I cannot fight you!" she said, now yelling, "But I can resist you!" Garmadon tried to power up again, but his powers faded. On the ground, Lloyd started glowing. Green energy circled around him. His eyes turned from gold, back to green. He got his energy powers back. Harumi walked out of Borg Tower with Garmadon's hands held behind his back. The police arrested the members of Garmadon's fist and Garmadon. When everyone was arrested, Harumi took off her mask and held out her hands, ready for the commissioner to cuff her. But he didn't. Instead, he knelt down and said, "Thank you, Princess Harumi." "But," she said, "I was the one who resurrected Garmadon, I was the leader of the Sons of Garmadon, I was The Quiet One." "There were a few words in that sentence that repeated," said the commissioner, "Was. You did all of those things in the past. You redeemed yourself." "Thank you," Harumi said. Lloyd beckoned her to come over with the rest of the team. Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane had angry looks on their faces, But Lloyd, Skylor, PIXAL, Nya, Aiden, and Ronin had kind looks on their faces. Actually, Ronin's face was semi kind. "Welcome to the team, jade ninja," said Lloyd kindly. Kai and Zane finally stopped being mad. They welcomed her warmly. "I'll help you control your element," said Kai. "I'll help you get Spinjitzu down," Zane added. At last, Jay said, "I'll help you with Airjitzu." Cole said, "I'll help you get stronger." "Thank you all," said Harumi, "for giving me a second chance." Aiden was walking away. Lloyd approached him. "You can stay with us ya know," he said, "Be a new ninja. We just gotta find your color." "I guess," said Aiden, "I prefer the colors neon green and Black." "We'll see what we can do," Lloyd replied.

So this whole thing is about how Harumi went from being The Quiet One, leader of the Sons of Garmadon, Garmadon's right hand woman, to being the jade ninja, master of silver, a new person, a better person, a person, who saught out forgiveness, and got


I give full credit for this story to EnergyBlastNinjaWriter
Elbert the cookie chapter 9 . 4/18
I loved it! It was great, no matter what other people say!
Keep up the good work!
Ultrammos chapter 9 . 1/22
My name is Maxx. I've been a long time fan of Ninjago and your story has been the best one of its kind that I've yet read. Reading this story has reminded me that everyone deserves a second chance. This story of yours has put some light into the dark place I've been. I honestly hope that you continue to write. Pay no mind to the hate in the world. They only strive to make you miserable. you're a great writer with loads of talent.

"There can be no goodness in the world, if there is no evil to compare it to."

Whether you decide to continue to write this story or chose to write others is up to you. I know that I've no say in that choice. Know that there will always by people who support you.

Just know that if you ever come back to this story. Or heck. Even read this comment, I'll be waiting.

Because I believe in the message within your writing. "Everyone deserves a second chance."
Don't let the darkness overtake the light. Emotions are not a weakness, for they make us more compassionate towards others. Willing to give even the ugly chance to become something beautiful.
SkyDreamer12 chapter 9 . 11/29/2019
I'm so happy you're going to try and finish it. You're fanfiction were some of the first I read and have been what got me into becoming a fanfiction author. So excited you're going to return to your account! ;D
Quimby fletcher chapter 9 . 11/26/2019
Well it's good to read that I'm looking forward to it
Moonlight104 chapter 9 . 11/17/2019
I love this story, and honestly take your time, there’s no rush to finish it, I completely understand :))
Robotech275 chapter 8 . 11/12/2019
Have a meme to make you feel better



Robotech275 chapter 9 . 11/12/2019
Hey people can hurt. Some just been hurt and let that out on others. Some just have a bad day. Humanity can be disappointing. BUT GOD DAMN IT FINALY A GOOD LONG FANFIC OF HARUMI. THANK YOU. IVE SEARCHED FOR THIS FOR SO LONG.
zella5752 chapter 9 . 11/10/2019
I understand. Sometimes when you have to take a break, just take it.

For you trolls being rude, cut it out!
jesus.gonzalez21 chapter 9 . 11/10/2019
We know your final chapter will be great. And we understand. We’ve been waiting so long for this new chapter to come out that we almost lost track of time. And well love the final chapter your give. And make it a good one for your fans. Good luck and Go- Ninja-Go!
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