Reviews for Attack on Titan: A Blacksmith's Tale (REMASTERED)
Dat-boi-waddup chapter 26 . 6h
Really? They have resemblance? Ok
Niek Chemjong chapter 1 . 7/12
Good book!
ABEBOABDU chapter 1 . 7/11
brother please update the story can't wait
Ian chapter 32 . 7/6
In the morning that I realized just how special playing halo online was".
Player 1-" oh you f%$king f%$got! You f&$king fag$&t!
Player 2-"Hey you're team killing... stop killing me dude ...
Player 1-"He using the energy sword he cheating!
player2-"I'm on your side!
Narrator-" shut up you fricking f%&got
Player 1-"no you shut f$%got
Narrator-" no you're f%&got
Player 1-" nawah you are!
Player 2-" shut up! !
Player 1-" you camping noob!"
Narrator-"shut up!"
Guest chapter 1 . 7/2
Good job! I'm so excited to know how his life will be
Guest chapter 69 . 6/30
Waitin for that sweet update
Guest chapter 69 . 6/29
I’m sorry to say this, and I just want to point out that I have the utmost respect for you, but if you’re going on these hiatuses, then could you please not give us empty promises and say you won’t take so long to upload. I’m sure others don’t mind, but really it just makes me sad when you and others do these things.
Guest chapter 69 . 6/28
Update pls!
L39IT chapter 69 . 6/21
Well this is the best AoT fanfic currently in existence and I’m surprised it was one that focused on an OC. Your character development is phenomenal, and since I really like dark characters I’m enjoying the angsty Dillon ALOT. I know you said that eventually he’s going to get better but I’m hoping that he still remains a bit depressed and retains his current ruthlessness later on in the story. I’m looking forward to everything you’ll be adding to this story in the future and I can honestly say this is one of the very few stories that had ever captured my attention like this. Thanks for writing this and for continuing to write this.
Anubis eye chapter 64 . 6/15
This is amazing, but to tell the truth I'm begging for things to turn around. So far this is the first story to ever make me feel like throwing up for how angsty it is. But I keep coming back to see or at least hope things turn more positive. For Dillon at least and you officially made me hate Levi in this story. Also I hope him and Annie never get back together. I dont like how she abandoned him when he gave up so much for her. Ecpecially after the the revelation he is a tool. It's been what three of five days and they have only been in the scouts for two months. That's too much pressure ecpecially since in the end he is sixteen.
BrenoECB chapter 69 . 6/13
Sorry if this is interpreted as pressure, but I would like to know if you are all right and what is the status of this story. At this point this is my favorite fanfic and I believe you are an amazing writer, ty.
negronomicon chapter 69 . 6/12
I have read this all in one sitting. Dillon does not seem to be able to catch a break, very little in-between time until he or his friends get screwed over, it's getting somewhat linear in expectation, moreover, the constant temper tantrums Dillon has after these series of unfortunate events is also somewhat grating on the nerves, I would expect that he would develop a bit as a character and mature somewhat, the only real character development to happen to Dillon was receiving Ymir Fritz in his head, even then he still acts the same. While I haven't actually read AoT or watched the anime, I very much doubt that someone could get through years in the army without gaining a single iota of discipline, Dillon's constant inability to follow orders is incredibly frustrating, and childish. Moreover, his love interest has got to be the most unlikeable character I have ever feasted my eyes upon, maybe Dillon is just a masochist, but I don't know a single person on Earth that would not at-least have some trust issues with Annie after the shit she put Dillon through, while I could go on a bit elaborating some of my criticisms, I would like to keep this review not very taxing on the eyes.

I really did enjoy your writing style, your characters have always consistently shown emotion, in a manner that is believable and does not contradict their own previous characterization, your sentence structuring is good enough that I can read many chapters in one sitting without hurting myself, and is overall a joy to read. Since I have not actually watched or read AoT I do not really know if the characters you portrayed here are accurate to the ones in the show, but even if they aren't, you have made the believable and realistic, and I believe that is one of the largest problems with people who write Fanfiction have. I overall did enjoy this Fanfiction regardless of my gripes with it, and I am very stoked to see what comes up next.
BBQbaBBQ chapter 69 . 6/11
update plz!
Guest chapter 69 . 6/11
Great story, I love the way u have started to make Dillion become a darker character where he is no longer held back. Cant wait to see where this will go.
rainfallMyth chapter 64 . 6/9
aand ya lost me. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse. Sorry dude but now you're just trying to either create a villains backstory. Realism or not, it wouldn't result in them breaking up if every chapter wasn't made to just dig a deeper hole for dillon.

Im out, but I hope you keep writing this for those who still read.
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