Reviews for Marrying Off Anna
Illead chapter 1 . 8/9/2019
If I might offer a constructive critique, a woman wouldn't know she was pregnant in more olden times until two weeks to a month goes by. Additionally, there was an immense amount of pain for almost every woman in olden times. Those are my only critiques though. It's not entirely accurate.
JLATS chapter 1 . 4/19/2018
Marrying off Anna now!
gosh it reminds me SO MUCH of OUAT
called the I was born ready miles away haha
you know i think this is hella accurate, the dialogs and characterisation. if Frozen 2 indeed involves a Kristanna wedding at the end or beginning, I bet it's gonna be familiar to this very fic of yours!
"She's a lesbian Kristoff" is the new harold fkjhgjkha
"Give my sister a heir to her throne" is a sentence you can only possibly see in a Frozen fanfic loool
froxfiles77 chapter 1 . 4/15/2018
I loved the wedding! Especially Elsa and Anna's interactions, how beautiful and heartfelt they were as Anna prepares to get married. Very lovely descriptions of Elsa's feelings on this day :D