Reviews for This beautiful, broken thing
Kayozm chapter 43 . 6/28
Wow, I have absolutely no recollection of reading this epilogue before, which is very weird because I’m sure I must have! Anyway, it was super lovely.
Scribner's2328 chapter 42 . 4/4
Thank you for one of the best of the best that I have read on this site! You're a wonderful story teller. Cannot wait to read what else you've written. If you're seeing this in April of 2020, as I am writing it now, I hope that you and your family are well and safe.
Scribner's2328 chapter 34 . 4/4
Just getting rid of Victoria; but I imagine that's coming up?
Scribner's2328 chapter 29 . 4/4
What a relief! Thank you ... I appreciate how you wrote Bella's insistence on being treated respectfully; but the tension was difficult!
Scribner's2328 chapter 26 . 4/4
Just got it. I must have missed a bunch of hints, huh?
Scribner's2328 chapter 23 . 4/4
No questions, only hope that this won't make it worse between them. I can imagine that it might.
Scribner's2328 chapter 9 . 4/4
I've noticed that the talented writers on this site are quite good at fleshing out the story's characters who aren't Bella and Edward, including you. The original books provided a great baseline for them all, obviously, and I really enjoy what can only be described as "getting to know them better" when another author nails their characters. Thank you!
Scribner's2328 chapter 5 . 4/4
Great insight by Bella about her relationship with Alice without Edward's constant presence.
Scribner's2328 chapter 3 . 4/4
Good for Bella. The more I have read and processed the original Twilight, the more I realize that she subordinated a lot of herself to Edward and Alice while she was still human. This feels right.
Scribner's2328 chapter 1 . 4/4
I really like your "disclaimer" at the beginning; one of the things I enjoy about reading longer works here is that some authors become better, more confident writers just from the start to finish of a story. I am already enjoying this one; it goes along smoothly and you've also asked the reader to use their own intuition. It isn't a lazy read, which I very much appreciate. When I'm done, I will definitely check out your more recent story!
princessnerra chapter 43 . 3/18
Very good story! Loved it too!
JustARead chapter 43 . 3/17
JustARead chapter 42 . 3/16
JustARead chapter 40 . 3/16
JustARead chapter 39 . 3/16
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