Reviews for Divided Soul
CovertEyes chapter 10 . 9/8
Oh no. I haven't read this yet, but I just couldn't pass up sending my sadness for your loss. How heartbreaking to lose a baby! If it's any comfort, in my religion, we believe that we will have the opportunity to properly raise our children who died too young. I hope God has given you comfort and that your wedding went forward with success during this terrible year.
Meghanna Starsong chapter 10 . 3/21
All my prayers for your happiness and healing. (The biggest long distance hugs to you, my friend.) Take your time. And when those chapters are posted, all your fans will be there.
Rinjou chapter 10 . 3/8
Alright! I finally caught up with your story, I started reading it on a holiday (almost) two years ago, shame I only had my phone with me (I avoid writing anything longer on that like fire) so I never reviewed... sorry.

From the first chapters, I was kind of shocked at this line of work you put Hitomi in. She is one strong gal, because man, being sold to a brothel at fifteen, that could be enough to break anyone. Quite a dark twist, unusual in this fandom. Oh, btw. f Red Madame for exploiting these girls, I hope she gets her rightful punishment at some point in the story.

But then, I think you said at some point that Hitomi would probably be much worse off out in the streets as an orphan, so I imagine your Gaea quite dark itself. Anyway, I like the combo of movie and series elements. Allen is quite an ass in this story, isn't he? Not even Millerna likes him! Will he get a redemption arc? I wonder...

Folken feels strongly like he is in the movie but I was happy to see Sora being a bit more active of a character. I wonder if you'll reprise some more of the characters? The fights using the force blasts were so cool! And I always like mushiness between our beloved couple. Shy Van best Van, if you ask me!

I hope you will find the inspiration and time to write again, I am also very sorry to hear about what happened. I don't think I can say anything that can really console you but I think you are a very strong person, I think it also shows in the way you write the characters. Hope the preparations go smoothly, the wedding is grand and you'll be back with more writing after!
Meghanna Starsong chapter 9 . 12/10/2018
Go, Van, go! Gotta love them wings! ;) Really enjoyed reading the flying scene and how Van was able to get Hitomi free of the floating fortress. He's so cute and shy during the part of the chapter where she's tending his wounds. :) I'm also curious to see more of the pendant and how it works in your story's reality. Happy writing!
sakura son zukino chapter 1 . 10/31/2018
O por favor continua la historia no la abandones por favor piedad. Esta increĆ­ble.
40four chapter 9 . 10/24/2018
Ach, I enjoy how this is coming along. If only Hitomi knew she could basically make Van implode at any given moment lol!
thepinkmartini chapter 9 . 10/24/2018
Love this chapter! Van getting all uncomfortable with Hitomi's tatas in front of his face was so funny!
Miss-Miz chapter 9 . 10/23/2018
Oh! love it! I can't wait for the next one! So intriguing, and I love the awkward scene between Van and Hitomi!
lalalalalllaaalla chapter 8 . 9/17/2018
Noo please more.. so intrigued.. great writing! love the story, and how mysterious van is. And I can't wait for more.. please update soon!
Meghanna Starsong chapter 8 . 9/10/2018
Whoohoo! I'm all caught up at last. That was an exciting chapter. Hmm, magic? It also reminds me of the telekinetic battles between the Dragon Clan from the Escaflowne movie. I'm curious to see what the voice emanating from Hitomi's pendant was. Maybe Escaflowne's mind itself? Something tells me next chapter we are about to see Van's beautiful wings. ;)
Meghanna Starsong chapter 7 . 9/8/2018
Wow! ok, is it just me, or does Dilaundau possibly perversely like Sora? His behavior reminds me of the kindergarten bully who pushes the girl down that he has a crush on. I am glad to see you are giving Sora a big part in the story. I am also curious as to what happened between Folken and her in the past. Btw, poor Hitomi! T.T
Meghanna Starsong chapter 6 . 9/7/2018
Hmm, Fiore seems interesting. *pokes him* I'm curious to find out more about him. I can see the wheels starting to turn for Hitomi's fate - being as she's obviously Escaflowne's soul. ;) Van definitely feels a kinship for her that even he doesn't know runs very, very deep. On to the next chapter!
thepinkmartini chapter 8 . 9/3/2018
Great chapter! I didn't expect magic to be part of the story, but that's a pleasant surprise. I can't wait for (hopefully) Hitomi and Van's interaction in the following chapter.
Meghanna Starsong chapter 5 . 9/3/2018
Oh, my. Things have certainly taken a sharp twist. Now poor Van must figure out how to rescue Hitomi from her prison high in the sky. I wonder how this reality's Hitomi is linked to the legendary dragon armor. I hope that you will expand on Sora's character too in the future. I was always curious about her background story.
40four chapter 8 . 9/3/2018
Whilst editing this chapter I couldn't get the lines "Sunday, bloody Sunday" out of my head, completely unrelated to the song but extremely related to what was happening (also because it was Sunday). Have I mentioned enough times yet how much I like this movie/series mashup? Also, gore and blood and a complicated romance on the horizon. Cue for crazy, evil laughter.
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