Reviews for Outbreak
Oranganeh97 chapter 26 . 6/29
I like these story!
AR77 chapter 26 . 2/19
The journey was interesting but I definitely liked the beginning better than the end. Doflamingo's sudden flip into madness just caught me off guard. I guess I was really expecting the Dellinger plot point, Doffy-Croc dynamic, or Spy Corazon to be addressed so I was rather disappointed when Doffy became a standard villain and Corazon ended up a coward. The story was also funnier to me in the beginning with Katakuri's bagel hatred, Law's bread hatred, Do-Flamingo, and Sabo's courteous call to Garp. However, near the end various characters like Police Department of Smoker/Hina/Mihawk etc., Whitebeard Pirates Marco etc., Ace, Sabo, Zoro, Sanji, Kidd, Crocodile, Don Quixote Family, or even the Charlotte family all start fading away for the Luffy-Katakuri relationship. It doesn't feel like a resolution for the chaos of Caesar's drug on the city. I also dislike how Luffy ended up but that's just a personal gripe. It was interesting but I would've stopped earlier if I knew the second half would lose what attracted me to the story in the first place instead of powering through in hopes the earlier plot points will be addressed.
guest chapter 26 . 12/25/2019
Ah, I wondered what happened to this story when it got abandonned on AO3. Glad to pick it up here. Thanks for completing it.
yukino76 chapter 26 . 2/17/2019
So good thanks for sharing I enjoyed it very much
L'assassin orange chapter 26 . 2/16/2019
Well, what a delightfully mundane settings with a lot of extraordinary people to end this story with. Thank you for the read, it never failed to put s smile on my smile, with the exception of these few dramatic chapters of course !
astrasperas chapter 25 . 1/21/2019
Nooooooo I can't believe it's almost over, I completely adore this fic, hope we can read more of your stories in the near future 3 Also, thank you for writting KataLu, is such a precious couple (with whom I'm totally obssessed with at the moment lol)

PD: Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes, I'm not a native speaker :P
yukino76 chapter 25 . 1/8/2019
its so good Luffy will make a swift recovery and Torkai is so funny, life will continue to be busy for them
L'assassin orange chapter 25 . 1/6/2019
Good luck dealing with the bloody carcass. I mean, I know they must be used to cleaning blood, being a gang and all, but still, that shit it hard to get rid of ! So Luffy will have a weakened voice due to the psycho flamingo, I wonder just how much it will affect his daily life. Since he always was an excited little thing, will this make him more calm, or at least quieter, simply because he doesn't like his new voice?
Thanks for the chapter as always !
hina chapter 24 . 1/2/2019
luffyyyyy TwT I hate mingo! Yessss kuri y luffy together :3

I hope next chapter.
yukino76 chapter 24 . 12/28/2018
Law you have to save Luffy please and Kuri did it, he promised Joker didn't want to hear and now he's dead
Aelyanne chapter 24 . 12/28/2018
Nooooo Dodo is dyinnnng ! I need to save himm ! Uh wait a minute, he hurt luffy. Oh ok. Serves him right to die then!
Katakuri is so cuuuuute ! And powerful !
I chuckled at Garp’s entry, you nailed it !
Poor Ace and Sabo through.
Cora and Tra are so funny ️️

Thank you for posting this quicklyyyyy ️️️
myzmsandraa99 chapter 23 . 12/16/2018
I became very impatient! do more updates soon and, katakuri? why are you so slow! this is not like you! fast! luffy needs help or he won't be your wife haha
yukino76 chapter 23 . 12/15/2018
Luffy is in big danger, Kuri hurry up or he will be damaged for the rest of his life
Aelyanne chapter 23 . 12/15/2018
Ohhhh I am blessed ! I posted a review and two days later, a new chapter :D
Ok so the conversation between Roci and Doffy made me laugh a lot. Like Doffy is really mad now. I am a bit sad because I wanted him sane for Crocodile and their night in bed... Buuuut he is still great as an evil psycho guy.
Poor Luffy ! WHY IS HE WITH CRAZY SCIENTISTS ? CAESAR DO THE JOB YOU ARE AT LEAST SMART ! I don't want him to lose his voice or tail or anything. KAtakuri better go faster to help him and beat Dodo until he sees reason again. Thank you Blackbird for making my precious pink boy crazy ! Good job you twaaaaat !
Can't wait to read the next chapter ! It is a great story, with a lot of good ideas. And I especially like the way you turned it into an AU but was able to keep details linked to their personality in one piece (like dodo is a flamingo, or the fact that he is smarter than Teach because he actually uses straps to maintain Luffy ! Well it is normal you'd say, Doflamingo has a brain, HIM ! (Yes i hate Teach)).
Keep up the good job ! I am so glad to have discovered your story. My boyfriend is less pleased as I keep telling about every chapter XD
Aelyanne chapter 1 . 12/12/2018
Uh I think I m stupid. SO I was saying : MY GOOOOD THE FEELLLLS !

I really want more of your fiction ! I didn't know I would ship them together but now I do ! Luffy is so cute as a cat
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