Reviews for The Path We Need To Walk
MirrorFlower and DarkWind chapter 2 . 5/18/2018
Damn that was amazing
narnian23 chapter 2 . 5/9/2018
Ooh, dialogue! That's a treat from you. I love the bitterness coming through when Thor asks if he is not resting - to me that was a big moment of acceptance for him, that he can't even dream up something more comforting, even though comfort is ultimately what he finds. You've gotten right to the heart of the brotherly relationship, beautiful and almost simple. I love that Thor, being so protective, couldn't accept that Loki had come into his own and found his own way until he heard it from Loki's own mouth. How to say this - I feel like your Loki has been all Thor could ever have wanted to be, but more successfully. Perceptive, compassionate, kingly, but also pragmatic, and willing to accept fate rather than waste his efforts fighting it. At his very end Loki got to be everything he wanted, that his brother needed, him to be. I think this is perfect closure for Loki's death. And while I would of course be happy to read a third part, I don't think this story needs it. It is emotionally satisfying already.
LRRH17 chapter 2 . 5/7/2018
This is such a great story. You captured Thor's grief - and the nature of Loki and Thor's relationship - so well, giving their storyline the closure it deserved (instead of what we got in the movie!). I also love how poetic and lyrical your sentences are; it feels like you've woven poetry right into your prose.
narnian23 chapter 1 . 5/5/2018
You are back! I was so excited to get that notification, but I couldn't read this until I saw the movie. I hope both life and your muse are treating you more kindly these days.

As to this story, you have not lost your gift. You bring out pain and mourning so clearly, but I think you also did brilliantly to touch on how Thor feels responsible for Loki's fate and the shortcomings of their relationship. I think your Thor wants revenge, but also to make some sort of penance for not having guided Loki along better paths throughout their lives.

I don't know how you layer so much emotion and nuance into so few words, but that is absolutely why I think your writting is so successful.
Tgirl1689 chapter 1 . 4/30/2018
awwww man this is getting me right in the feels
MidoriiOyama chapter 1 . 4/30/2018
Thanks, now I have tó search for a new heart, b/c this one is broken
Guest chapter 1 . 4/30/2018
This was beautiful. Thank you. But i still can't believe everything that happened in Infinity war.. i mean, of course we'll get everyone that dissolved back, cuz one of them was Spidey, and there are i think two spiderman films after infinity war, but it still was so painful to watch. But Loki...jeez, that hurt the worst. And i have no idea if he will come back and as much as it pains me to say so, i doubt it. *cries*