Reviews for Coincidences
Bethesda551 chapter 23 . 1/25
You know you wrote a great story when you cry like a baby, UGH
Bethesda551 chapter 19 . 1/25
Ahh dont let zis unhappy spammer get to you, your stories are amazing
greeneyes51 chapter 18 . 5/25/2019
Maddie's been found!
Thank you, Margaret, you have done what TPTB couldn't were not able to do. You're cleaning up the stories and have put finishing touches to them. I love it!
greeneyes51 chapter 8 . 5/10/2019
Kyle is certainly his father's son … wonder if he points too when he uses the word? Just asking.
greeneyes51 chapter 7 . 5/8/2019
You did a great job with the previous stories and now you are tying up loose ends with Suzie and Madison. Wonderful read.
HEHC4evr chapter 46 . 9/1/2018
A bittersweet chapter, you wrote a wonderful story with characters I grew to love. I looked forward to your updates; they offered a bright spot to a sometimes hectic day. Thank you for sharing your story and I will read your future Miami projects.
daxy chapter 46 . 8/29/2018
Big party! Did have loved to see something like that on the show. :)
Great chapter can't wait for the next story;)
ajay1960 chapter 46 . 8/29/2018
This was such a perfect ending to a really wonderful story! I will miss it, but you are right about how long can it go on. You really tied it all together, and I loved it!
I look forward to your other stories, thank you for all your works they were really enjoyable,
daxy chapter 45 . 8/26/2018
Emotional letter! And Tommy was so sweet to worry about his mother, he sure is like Horatio that way. Always worrying about everyone else. :)
Great chapter can't wait for the next one!
HEHC4evr chapter 45 . 8/26/2018
You penned a heart wrenching letter from Horatio; no wonder Aileen was crying ( I would’ve too). $2500 for a chair, wow must be some chair! Alien is correct, Horatio does have expensive taste so I will suit him well. Excellent chapter as per usual
ajay1960 chapter 45 . 8/26/2018
This was such a beautiful, loving and touching chapter. You so perfectly showed the love that Horatio has for Aileen, his children as well, I had tears in my eyes because you have made them feel like a real life family.
ajay1960 chapter 44 . 8/23/2018
So funny Horatio ended up in his old office, with Eric already at the desk, old habits are hard to break! Erica was always a thorn in their sides. Tommy is such a protector of his mother it is sweet, Aileen's curosity got the best of her, i'm sure the letter really got to her because it was probably Horatio's goodbye to her, wonderful chapter,
daxy chapter 44 . 8/22/2018
Very sweet of Horatio to give the letter to Aileen. :)
And he handled the press, especially ms Sykes, very well. :)
Great chapter can't wait for the next one!
HEHC4evr chapter 43 . 8/20/2018
Wonderful family oriented chapter! It is sad to think Horatio never enjoyed the benefits of having a loving family when he was growing up. In some ways, he is still very much like a child on an emotional level, but a grown man in other ways. He wants to love and be loved
daxy chapter 43 . 8/19/2018
So sweet. Makes me cry when Horatio almost starts crying. But it really is good for him to know that his family is proud of him. :)
Great chapter can't wait for the next one!
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