Reviews for Found Love
tmtcltb chapter 38 . 2/5/2019
This was a really sweet endings. I love the idea of these two couples working together and their future feels very bright. Their children are growing up together and I have no doubt that they will stay close. Thank you for writing!
tmtcltb chapter 37 . 1/21/2019
Christine and Mike bickering like an old married couple (which they are) was adorable. It left me with a smile on my face. And I love how happy Russ is. He certainly deserves a happy ending after all he has been through. Lovely chapter!
tmtcltb chapter 36 . 1/15/2019
I rather love that they are all retiring together. The close relationship between this group is really how they all made it through the tough times and it makes perfect sense that they wouldn't want to keep working without the others. That was also a really great conversation between Mike and Laura Kate. Nobody will ever be good enough for Mike's little (or big) girl!
tmtcltb chapter 35 . 12/27/2018
This was a nice reunion and transition chapter. I'm looking forward to them all settling into a (hopefully) happy routine going forward - one where Mike isn't being pulled in two different directions.
tmtcltb chapter 34 . 12/14/2018
What a sweet homecoming! I really like the way you wrote Russ’s reaction to Josie‘s pregnancy. If anyone deserves a second chance, it’s Russ.
tmtcltb chapter 33 . 12/4/2018
Really great conversation at the beginning. These people have given up so much and it's time that they got a break. I loved the reunion scene.
tmtcltb chapter 32 . 12/4/2018
Oh my. I know it's not Tom's fault (he tried) but Mike deserved a chance to stay with his family, especially with everything that he's done for his country.
tmtcltb chapter 31 . 11/28/2018
Damn! I actually felt like they were making some progress in that conversation and was totally not expecting that ending. Don’t wait too long to update!
tmtcltb chapter 30 . 11/28/2018
Josie is so incredibly sweet and equally wise. I enjoyed the friendship between her and Christine.
tmtcltb chapter 29 . 11/15/2018
Gwen really did go overboard and Mike didn’t handle it well. Hopefully he and Christine can get on the same page. I certainly think a timeout for Gwen is in order. I enjoyed the rotation between Mike and Laura Kate. A lot of resentment from pre-Red Flu is starting to come out and it will be interesting to see how they resolve it.
tmtcltb chapter 28 . 10/17/2018
I really want to smack Gwen! No matter what her problems are with her brother and Christine, she needs to realize that it’s none of her business how they decide to live their life. I’m glad that Hannah has her cousin coming home with her for a visit. As far as your question about Russ, are you planning to introduce Russ‘s former in-laws at any point? It might be nice to see how they react to Josie.
tmtcltb chapter 27 . 10/2/2018
Gwen might be a nightmare, but Laurie is a doll. I think that a week with supportive family and away from everything is going to do this family some good!
MCF chapter 27 . 9/29/2018
Great to see an update! Love Mike and Christine but hope you can return to Russ as well.
tmtcltb chapter 26 . 9/6/2018
As much as I know that this information wouldn't change anything for Mike, I am glad for Hannah and I hope that this helps smooth family relations over a little more.
MCF chapter 25 . 8/27/2018
Tom really isn't the best of friends. With a friendship of so many he should be better!
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