Reviews for Infinity Labyrinth
Amelia831 chapter 7 . 6/27
So Madokami is protecting Earth from threats like Thanos? That’s interesting and also very interesting that the Tesseract seem to disappear in this timeline and be the hands of Homura although I like to believe those like Magical Girls could withhold the Infinity Stone given they’re technically zombies.

Though I’m still concern about Thanos and Kyuubey. Hope you post more!
I Spy something chapter 7 . 6/18
"Kyuubey tossed the ringlets that circled the longer of his two sets of ears, the picture of unemotional serenity. 'I was just curious what it might be like to do what they call a favor. Who knows? It may prove beneficial on the scales of balance.'"
I have notice This seems similar but i doubt it's Kyuubey. After all i don't think Kyuubey actually tosses it's ringlets. But Loki does toss stuff.
Sasha37 chapter 7 . 5/19
Madokami & Homucifer? I like it.
Disciple of Ember chapter 7 . 5/13
*Insert obligatory "I used to be a back-alley goon like you until I took an arrow to the knee" quote*

Completely necessary quotes aside, this was an interesting bit of development. There's a lot going on between all the different cast members, and it makes for some cool moments. I will admit it is pretty amusing in a dark kind of way for the Avengers to all have that moment of "how old are you?" when they realize just how much the Magi have been through.

Not sure which individual group to focus on in particular, so I will just say that in general it is a neat dynamic you're building. The shock and border-hero-worship coming from Sayaka and Madoka, the respect tinted with awe from Mami, Kyoko's natural competitiveness (not many kids willing to challenge a norse god face to face), and Homura's mixture of wariness and just a bit of hope. It felt a little early for Homura to be spilling the story to Tony given how long she kept it to herself previously (and how jaded she became because of it), but overall it was nice bit of character interaction.

I also did appreciate Thor's hesitance when it came to the joking reference of Kyoko being his little sister. Haha, he has some issues when it comes to siblings of either kind.

Overall, a solid bit of cast interactions. It is cool to see the lot of them starting to work together, all while Thanos and Kyuubey form their own league of definitely-lawful-evil-what-do-you-mean-it-doesn't-work-that-way? I will be looking forwards to seeing how things develop from here.
Just A Normal Human Being chapter 7 . 5/12
You update!

Madoka meet Clint, that's unexpected
Can't wait for everyone reaction hearing Homura story, and also everyone reaction that Madoka can become a god!
Bravo Tango chapter 7 . 5/11
Hmm, I don't think Homura is the type of person who would reveal her story to Stark. Or anyone actually.

Good chapter.
BraveWolf13 chapter 7 . 5/11
Madokami and Homucifer?! WTF?!
OrionGold chapter 6 . 5/21/2019
I like the interaction between Kyosuke and Strange. Both suffered an accident that resulted in their hands being damaged, which would otherwise ruin their careers.

Reading this, I just hope we see more interactions between the Avengers and the Magical Girls.

Also, love the fact that Steve got engrossed into reading My Hero Academia.

Considering certain revelations in Endgame, I think Homura is going to turn the Avengers' heads concerning what she did.
RESTIA chapter 6 . 5/20/2019
It's so sad to see Homura getting chased by everybody, when nobody knows the truth of Kyubey. Hope the Magical Girls learn the truth soon before it's too late, preferably without anybody dying.
Nameless Guest chapter 6 . 5/19/2019
I'm liking this so far. The interaction between Tony and Steve was probably the highlight of this particular chapter now that I've caught up on it. Keep up the good work!
Disciple of Ember chapter 6 . 4/24/2019
Looks like Bruce and Thor are getting their taste of the Witches. The fact that the Hulk refused to fight them was a neat detail that I find myself fixating on. Is the psychological effect of the Witch and her Labyrinth preventing his anger from reaching that boiling point? Or maybe something else is having a more direct effect on him given he seemed to give a flat out NO to Bruce rather than just not show up. Could be interesting seeing how/if others have their powers affected.

But speculation aside, seeing Homura and Kyoko team up to bring down Charlotte was pretty cool. It's interesting to see Homura actively trying to prevent Mami from reaching her, and eliminating the Witch before they have a chance to meet rather than using her fight as a scare tactic, but given how drastically things have changed, she may have something very different in mind for keeping Madoka safe and fighting Walpurgisnacht later on.

Was also cool to see the reaction to the plot divergence. Can't blame Sayaka for being a bit thunderstruck here, haha. Not only did she just find out that Magical Girls and Witches are a thing, but now suddenly the Avengers are showing up hunting one of her classmates, and Dr. Strange has decided to help fix her boyfriend's hand. That a very action packed week to experience.

And we get a little hint of bigger things going on in the background. A pink shield surrounding the Earth leads me to think of a certain magical focal point, but it remains to be seen how this will play into things later down the line.

All in all a really cool chapter. Writing is solid, and seeing all the different perspectives converging in on one another makes for a compelling read. Things are definitely heating up now that Homura is operating in uncharted territory, and I'll be looking forwards to seeing how this attempt at diplomacy goes between her and the Avengers.
NoNameAvailable Bis chapter 6 . 4/23/2019
Interesting. This last chapter made me wonder about the circumstances of Thor getting Stormbreaker - in MCU canon, he only gets it due to Thanos' immediate threat, but here it seems Thanos was delayed by six years (most likely due to the Tesseract basically disappearing from the face of the universe during that period), so clearly something changed here.

Also, Black Widow's proposal to try to put Homura asleep... Would toxins be even be effective against Magical Girls? I mean, technically their human bodies are more akin to puppets, so I do wonder if they would even feel a tranquilizer, or any sort of poison. Well, maybe that question will be answered later. Though hopefully diplomacy winning the day would be better for all parties involved (unfortunately Homu sucks at diplomacy).

Finally, I really do wonder at Homura's plan right now. So far, she has proven quite adept at escaping the Avengers sent after her (and showed a remarkable amount of restraint when dealing with them - which granted is also smart, she probably doesn't want to have the most dangerous of them out for blood) but she's still far away from Walpurgisnacht. Meaning she has to hold on for several weeks, managing to escape them all this time all while protecting Madoka - meaning she can't just entirely ditch school, where her pursuers know she might go. All in all, that seems like a tall order. Once again, fingers crossed for successful Homuplomacy.

Anyway, interesting concept, I'm curious to see where this will lead. Keep up the good work!
l chapter 4 . 4/23/2019
Kvothe of Many Talents chapter 6 . 4/23/2019
It's been a while since last chapter. Were you waiting until the Avengers finale comes out to see how everything ends?

A big fan of Humora/Kyoko camaraderie. With her being hunted by pretty much everyone in (and out) of the world, Homura really needs someone in her corner, and who better than Kyoko?

We never really got the reunion between Cap and Tony in the film, so it's both funny and heartwarming to see them being all awkward and bromancy.

Thanks and hoping to see another chapter soon!
Unsure If Robot chapter 6 . 4/22/2019
Good chapter. It's been a while, so thank you for another chapter.
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