Reviews for Motherless
Guest chapter 16 . 8/9
FINISH! this story is to delightful just to let it be so incomplete. Bring it back to life. FINISH.
twilight-et-the-vampire chapter 16 . 7/30
Bonjour , je m'inscrit au suivi pour ne pas louper la mise à jour. J'espère que sa sera bientôt ;)
kkatiasantana chapter 1 . 2/8
Oi amei sua fanfic
Eu descobri a pouco tempo
Por favor atualize
Kristafied chapter 16 . 1/16
OMG OMG OMG please tell me there's more to this! I just found it and am hooked!
violinpunk chapter 16 . 12/16/2019
I stumbled across this story, and i have to say it's amazing! Great story line and amazing to read! Can't wait for the update when you get there!
ladysnape07 chapter 16 . 8/24/2019
oh my gosh! I loved this chapter, cant wait to see what happens next.
Silentwings54 chapter 16 . 8/6/2019
Looking forward to more updates! Congrats on your future adoption!
thepotionsguild chapter 16 . 8/5/2019
I’m in love with this story and your writing and everything about this. This is adorable and mysterious and inventive. Thanks for posting as much as you did!
thepotionsguild chapter 10 . 8/5/2019
I really love that you allowed Lucius and Severus to be familiar with each other. They are old friends and so of course they would know how to calm each other down. I’m really curious on how it began with Lucius though because so much of the headcanons I’ve seen around him have him be cold and stand offish. Did it begin when Draco was really young? Was it only behind closed doors? Or did it start when Draco had a son and Lucius finally was able to breathe a little?

Sorry about the long comment, I just have a lot of thoughts about it
Kimber chapter 16 . 7/24/2019
It's been so long since a update. Please finish
Guest chapter 16 . 7/16/2019
You've got to finish. Keep going. It's the poncy creep right? I need the rest with a wonderfully delightfully delicious ending.
Emma3mikan chapter 16 . 6/22/2019
Continous please
This is cool
jada951 chapter 16 . 3/28/2019
RL is hectic for sure!

Looking forwards to an update when you get to it.

my bet is on Cormac, only other one w/ something to gain.

have a blessed day.
jada951 chapter 12 . 3/28/2019
yikes, sev!

you created the oath.
not hermione's fault.
jada951 chapter 9 . 3/28/2019
oh, I like this chapter!

Glad to see Severus take on Cormac and make him run away w/ his tail between his legs!
I'm guessing he will be back though.

Love that H & SS have gotten together!
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