Reviews for For Future Reference
angeliena chapter 1 . 5/21/2018
Oh this is a nice end!
Hello chapter 1 . 5/15/2018
OH MY GOD. this is exactly what I needed to read after that finale. My favourite line was “Everything is a mess. Everything but you. In the middle of all the wreckage of his life you are the only thing that makes sense.” It seems the most appropriate to how Wyatt feels after the finale. You wrote it perfectly. I will read this everyday until timeless gets renewed.
penka67 chapter 1 . 5/15/2018
My head said “Too soon.” But my heart really needed this. Hope is strong enough to move mountains. What do we think, was the beard real or a prop?
TheVelvetDusk chapter 1 . 5/15/2018
STUPID HAPPY GRIN ON MY FACE RIGHT NOW. The “future reference” joke ( ok Wyatt lol ) and the HOPE and the flirting - THE BEARD. HAHHA. What a fantastic way for these two to come around to each other, and oh you know me - always a mega sucker for the mature communication and emotional transparency yesss! I don’t think I can truthfully assign “fault” to Lucy per se, but i totally agree that she wasn’t really willing to listen when Wyatt started sending up flares about his doubts and confusion. So yeah. Let’s quit that type of nonsense forever, pals :) And of course you just had to go and make Wyatt a total sad puppy who somehow convinced himself that future!lyatt was a negative sign OMG. THANK YOU LUCY FOR SETTING THAT RECORD STRAIGHT! I need season 3 for about two thousand reasons, but seeing Wyatt rise from this place of self hatred (ugh his ily convo with Lucy - so beautiful, so broken) is def on the list man! As always, you delivered gorgeous feels :)
rebates912 chapter 1 . 5/15/2018
This was perfect! I loved how the conversations took place between the future Wyatt and Lucy and present Wyatt and Lucy.
Gracielinn chapter 1 . 5/15/2018
So happy to see a post ep story from you :) good job! I am having the worst writer's block from worrying about the fate of our beloved series, but you can't force the inspiration, right? Hope you continue to write great stories to share with us :)
KIWI9814 chapter 1 . 5/14/2018
You made me like Wyatt a bit more with that. The 'real' one has been a bit of a douche. Great writing, thanks.
superlc529 chapter 1 . 5/14/2018
I love the parallel of Lyatt seeing their future selves was a bit like Denise seeing the pictures of her family on the flashdrive. Seeing Rufus okay again just made me smile. Let's hope that happens like in the first or second episode of Season 3. ;)

No idea what NBC is waiting for... they need to just renew this show already. That was a real realistic conversation between Wyatt and Lucy. That was nice. Love the "future reference" joke. Wyatt's great at those corny jokes. ;) :)

Nice job. :)
PeachCheetah chapter 1 . 5/14/2018
Aww, that was sweet and lovely and so perfectly touching. I like to think Future Lucy was quite deliberately vague in her talk with Wyatt just to mess with him.
And maybe I'm biased, but I *really* dig the beard.
Looking forward to what's next!