Reviews for A Yorkshire Summer
Daisyangel chapter 36 . 7/19/2019
I love how this ended. I just finished reading this. Yesterday I read 60 pubs in York. Now I am going to read the next story in this series.
telle17 chapter 36 . 12/25/2018
What a happy, happy fic! Thanks for sharing it!
NEGirl chapter 36 . 12/17/2018
Great story. I liked how you focused on the different characters. Chelsie is mu otp, but I have to say in this story you had me hooked with Richobel! They were thr chapters I enjoyed the most. ;)
evitamockingbird chapter 36 . 10/30/2018
I found this story and binged it over a couple of days. Very nice! I don’t think it could have been easy to write so many ships into a single story, but you did it very nicely. I’m mainly a Chelsie woman, but I loved all of these ships, especially Richobel. Thanks for providing me so many happy hours of reading.
Manygreentrees chapter 36 . 10/6/2018
What a wonderful summer it's been for so many happy couples in Downton. The Red Lion seems to have been a very productive addition to the social life and happiness of the village. All the weddings were gratifying, but I did enjoy seeing Isobel become a Doctor's wife again. Somehow, I see her profession become more useful to her in that role, than it could be as Lady Merton.
And "the FamilyTree", that Mrs Molesley made for Charles Carson as Elsie's commission - what a fabulous creation! Great idea. Of course he'd love it. Lovely , happy world to leave our favourite in. Thank you for this absorbing tale.
Guest chapter 35 . 10/6/2018
I would like a Phyllis Moseley kind of friend to make me a beautiful tapestry like she did for the Carsons. What a wonderful labour of love.
Guest chapter 36 . 10/6/2018
Sad to see this wonderful saga come to an end. Or has it? Your story has not been marked complete, so I hold out hope that you might add a little something now and then when the muse strikes.
Thank you for giving us such and rich and complex and happy story to read again and again. My favorite parts are the Chelsie ones (of course) but I am chuffed to see how happy Thomas is with a loving partner in Francis. Let's hear it for junior tailors!
Good Bo chapter 36 . 10/5/2018
This such a beautiful story. I love the chemistry between them all. Such a wonderful chapter xx
Guest chapter 36 . 10/5/2018
misszenobell chapter 36 . 10/5/2018
Perfect ending with all our happy couples gathered together! I started reading this fic primarily for the Chelsie, but have also enjoyed reading about the other couples. I’m especially glad that Richard and Isobel got married and that Thomas found a partner too! Thanks so much CeeCee, I look forward to reading any future work from you! x
suzie chapter 36 . 10/4/2018
Thanks, Ceecee. The pleasure has been ours!
Chelsietx chapter 36 . 10/4/2018
Awww... thank you so much. I’m humbled and honored by you. I’ll miss this story too. Even though I’m a hard core Chelsie fan, I’ve really liked the interactions they have had with all the other pairings in this story. In my mind I’m just imagining the future dinner party at the Carson’s. I’ll reread your past stories and look forward to any others you write for us. Xx
misszenobell chapter 35 . 9/27/2018
What a truly special gift the tapestry is! So symbolic and perfectly imperfect indeed! Wonderful job, thank you for sharing your writing with us! x
Guest chapter 35 . 9/26/2018
Canadianjudy chapter 35 . 9/26/2018
Ok, I have been exceedingly remiss in my reviews but, THIS. This struck a chord and brought me to tears. You are indeed a gift to this fandom, my dear. A gift.
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