Reviews for The Hourglass
Guest chapter 6 . 9/13
I really want to read the rest of this story...
harrypotteryaoi12 chapter 9 . 8/25
frame thy fearful symmetry_ please please make this into a story ,I really love this idea
Meno Melissa chapter 9 . 7/31
Wait this is cool. MDZS needs more badass lady.
FireCookie chapter 9 . 7/29
I love this chapter/story. Thank you for writing and sharing :)
Amaspa chapter 9 . 7/28
Pfff loved your notes at the end haha
Nhs and Fenli would totally be a power couple I love it :D
Thank you for writing all these great ideas!
ADDBaby chapter 9 . 7/28
ho my God! I love it! XDD

This soft boy is just like "My husband is gonna kick your ass! Q'A'Q)99" And then his gorgeous 'husband' drops in and kicks ass and takes names then ask her darling 'wife' about his latest fan.~~

amgs chapter 9 . 7/28
Woooh! Love this. So freaking much. Also, I greatly appreacite the bit explaining what would happen afterwards lol. So yeah. Thank you for this, it was truly amazing :’)

I hope you’re safe and healthy :)
Nariel Helyanwe chapter 9 . 7/28
NHS and LFL husband and wife role swap be like *chef's kiss* and awww baby NHS being all innocent on how babies are made because Da-ge said it was so. I wonder what happens when he's introduced to porn hahaha
ishdirections chapter 9 . 7/28
I love the relationship between lfl and nhs! The switch of who's husband and wife is great
Yuki Suou chapter 9 . 7/28
and I loved it. xD
ADDBaby chapter 8 . 7/14
Oh my god, I don't care if they never got more parts to them. Each and everyone of these drabbles are the fucking best.

I don't even really know what mdzs is but your writing has me interested in it!

Hope 2020 is treating you and yours well and that you are safe and well!
Nariel Helyanwe chapter 8 . 7/14
You underestimate the sheer joy it brings me to see you update with a mdzs fic (ノヮ)ノ*:・゚


Goodness knows that the Yunmeng Siblings only share one brain cell and its with Yanli all the time.
Amaspa chapter 8 . 7/13
Haha I just read this bit and I’m already kind of attached to your oc? Why do I get attached so quickly to your characters :’D
And yes pls give those boys some more alive relatives/actually good parental figures and thank you.
Jessicamathews65 chapter 8 . 7/13
Jessicamathews65 chapter 6 . 7/13
Cute and makes me interested. But I really don't want to watch magi
I learnt from KHR that awesome fanfics doesn't mean the anime matches
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