Reviews for Boys' Night Out
Shadowy Pheonix chapter 1 . 9/29/2008
I always thought Zelda was a little messed up :P
The Ocarina of Time chapter 1 . 7/24/2004
ok first of all EW! then again im not even thirteen yet but still way to much info! i mean really was impa's question really necisary? i normaly think (on anyways) that pg-13's r funny but ill make an exception...
CANDYHEARTS chapter 1 . 4/20/2004
I neva read stuff like this, itz not my thing. But I had 2 read & review dis, itz too good 2 pass up. itz real funny! pleese do more!
Babydoll72489 chapter 1 . 4/11/2004
LOL. LOVE IT! Keep writing!
acern chapter 1 . 3/28/2004
Hehehe... The kinkiest bitch in Hyrule... It's so true... XD. Funny, funny, funny...
Elf Asato chapter 1 . 3/12/2004
Brilliant XD
I've read this fic many times over...and every time I can't help but giggle. You're well on your way to comic gold, Lovely Zelda _
babydoll chapter 1 . 2/26/2004
Hilarious!Every time i re-read it,it never gets old. Keep writing. Plz make a part 2 on this story!
BloodRaevynn chapter 1 . 11/23/2003
Hee! I loved this!

I'm generally part of the "Miyamoto was on crack when he turned Sheik into Zelda" crowd, as well as the "Adamantly Link/Sheik" crowd, I'm not part of the "Zelda is a bitch" crowd though, I only find her mildly annoying. So basically, my point is I don't usually read fics where Sheik is Zelda, but this was really something else!

::Loves Kinky-Bitch Semi-Transexual Zelda:: _v

You should write a sequel about their married life; it would _definitely_ be amusing! _
iceprincess chapter 1 . 8/2/2003
he called out zeldas name?ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!*wipes away tear*thats so funny!
slinkster sunshine chapter 1 . 5/20/2003

[trinculo]: uh.. what exactly are you trying to say?

that.. i love this fic. and that i love the author of this fic.

Jynxfreak chapter 1 . 5/2/2003
I am *actually* an author, I just can't be bothered signing in.

Now, to the fic:

Ah ha! ah ha ha ha ha! this is *rich*! I think what made me laugh the most was Impa with that 'kinkiest bitch' thing. V funny!

-Da Freak
Sudden Real chapter 1 . 4/5/2003
You sick sick puppy. I got to say, it's funny, but honestly, I don't think you should add another chapter unless you can make it as good as this one. Don't try to milk it like a lot of people do and accidently kill it. Anyway, funny stuff and keep up the good work.

"Do you want me to seduce you?" heh.
Kanna-Ophelia chapter 1 . 4/5/2003
If I was straight and could turn into a man... I would do exactly that. And then probably break up on grounds of unfaithfulness. Because I watch too much Jem, and Jerrica is always getting jealous of herself...

I think I lost the point of this review in self-obsessed babbling. Um... only knowing who the characters are from watching my brothers play Smash Bros, I still thought this was cute and funny and deliciously perverted and everything nice.
Kate chapter 1 . 4/5/2003
I *think* I like it, but I'm not sure yet. Almost laughed, but it wasn't *quite* enough to strike me funny. Keep Writing!

blackcat21 chapter 1 . 4/4/2003
this is really funny but plz make it longer and add more chapters
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