Reviews for Alter Flow
Lord Pata chapter 2 . 5/27/2018
Interesting. So Davis is a biotic too? I didn't see that coming o.o

At least it helped for him and TK to work out their differences :3

Wonder what name Patamon will have? Can't wait to see that n.n

Re-reading the first chapter, the way Gatomon talked about Patamon, can't help but thing that she may be in love with him. I mean seeing how Kari knew Patamon was a sore spot for Gatomon, I think she may have feelings for our little friend :3
irus1000 chapter 1 . 5/22/2018
Please continue this story...
Lord Pata chapter 1 . 5/20/2018
Seems Gatomon has some soft spot for Patamon. The way she talked about his achievements sure sounded like she never stops being impressed :3

It was a good start actually. I'm very interested on that about TK being a Biotic too. I think that is a very interesting plotline n.n